
This question is for only those that are opposed to George Bush...?

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Is there anything he did in office that was good? If so, what? Technically speaking, what has he done to our country that has set it back and how long do you think it will take to repair it?




  1. He united us as Americans immediately after 9/11 and then USED 9/11 as a reason to take away some of our civil liberties and to further his NeoCon agenda.

    The only way to repair it...

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!

  2. good things he's done in office...well he's shown the new president exactly what not to do. bad things that have set our country back: no child left behind act, war on terror, nothing to stop global warming, tax cuts for rich people the list goes on...these will take years to fix, and some can never: you cant bring the people who died for the war on terror back now can you? and what about the kids who are now far behind on their educations because teachers were pressured into "teaching for a test" instead of helping challenge the best and the brightest? gee thank you Mr. President?

  3. Good...hmmm...He sent a lot of money for Aids work to African nations...that's all I got for ya.

    Gutting the US - He increased our deficit to astounding levels after being left by the last administration with a house in order and a budget surplus (which he blew in a crowd pleasing move). Borrowed heavily to fix his budgets. We are now owned by China basically.

    Weakened many ownership regulations so that corporations can do as they please - ruining many Americans lives and causing layoffs.

    Patriot act - I assume you know all about the erosion of civil rights in the US

    Ruined our international credit as the "good guys" by starting a war for no real reason - a preemptive know, like Hitler...This same war has destabilized the Middle East and has killed thousands of civilians and American soldiers while making the world a more dangerous place. As the US is seen as the oppressors in Iraq, anti US feeling is high around the world and terrorist group are recruiting and growing - because of the action to go to war.

    Repair - no idea. Not in my life time.

  4. If you are asking people opposed to Bush to say the good things that Bush did (if that exists) ... I doubt they can come up with anything......

    EDIT: Mike, Bush catalyzed war. Congress did not. BOOYAH!

  5. he established a wildlife refuge near Hawaii that protects a diverse section of the Pacific Ocean.

    As for the set backs, destroying our global credibility by attacking a sovereign nation, approving extra-ordinary rendition, torturing prisoners, denying POW's POW status in an attempt to strip them of all rights what-so-ever, wasting lives and treasure reforming Iraq under the guise of it being a front on the war on terror, peeling away civil rights via the Patriot Act and road blocking any effort of over-sight by Congress are the biggies but is in no way is a comprehensive list.

  6. 2,400+ consecutive days without a terror attack on our soil is a huge accomplishment!

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