
This question is for people in the military only please....Do u regret enlisting?

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I'm 19 years old and currently attending college and I think what I want to do with my life is join the military. My family doesn't support me joining the military saying that i will regret joining and that it will ruin my life. I have the money and the opportunity to get a college degree and pursue a civilian career but I just cant see myself working in an office or something to that degree. I was hoping that people who are currently serving in the military, from all branches, could tell me if they regret their decision joining or if they are happy with their choice???




  1. No regrets in enlisting, just in not re-enlisting when I still could.


  2. No regrets, it's an Honor. I'd do it all over if I had to, and exactly the same.


  4. nope i love my choice and wouldnt change it for anything my husband has been in 12 1/2 years and toured 2 times and he loves it too and going fo r20 years

  5. I don't regret it for a second. I am NOT being paid to lie. That's stupid. I don't think anyone should do it unless they KNOW it's for them. I for one thought long and hard about what I wanted to do with myself and if this is the right choice for me. I was also in college and just didn't feel as though it was the place for me right then. The military isn't all about killing people and being on the front lines. I live in a great big steele airport and I haven't held a gun in over a year. The misconception is that Military=Army/Marines. There are 3 other branches and hundreds of jobs that don't have you in the line of fire.

  6. Look at it this way. If you do enlist and decide it is not for you, all you have to do is finish up with your term and then go back to whatever it was you would have done anyway. I personally do not regret it.  

  7. Do it.

    You won't regret it.  Just do as much as research as you can about which branch to serve in.  Demand the right job and branch for you and you'll like it.

  8. My husband was in the marines did his four on a ship saw different places in the world went to Dessert Shield came back and got out. He did construction then decided to go into the marine reserves. He went to Iraq and decided to get out again when he came back. He got a security job and went to college. He hated it. He went into the army and went back to Iraq last year. While he was there he signed a new contract until 2013. Some people like the military lifestyle because it offers some structure and support. It is hardest on the families not the person in the military. At 19 it is very hard to make big life changing choices. My son is in the delayed entry program and will be leaving in October. I am not thrilled that he may be deployed or live in another state or country where I will not get to see him but that is just how it affects me. I am happy for him that he will have a life filled with education, life long friends, support and guidance, and hopefully some college thrown in. Sure it is scary for me, his mommy, but I can't hold him back from his dreams and I will not let him see me cry tears of fear cause it is my fears not his. I will smile and hold my head up high and be proud of my son the day he marches on that parade ground cause that is the day my son will change from a boy to a man and once a marine always a marine. Your family just loves you the same as I love my son don't be too hard on them but don't let it be the thing that sways your decisions either because you have to grow and be your man. Whether you wear a cap and gown and walk across a stage or wear a uniform and march across a field your family and new military family will in the end be there. Good luck.

  9. I don't regret one thing. Once you're in, you a part of something huge. Everyone is like family regardless of branch and regardless of status, current or veteran. You'll have time to work on your degree and you'll have somebody to watch out for you. I have health care through out the US via the VA and I'll have that the rest of my life. It's worth it. I'd do it again in a heart beat if they'd let me.

  10. I have no regrets about enlisting.

    It changes you for the better

  11. do not join the military.

    unless you have no other options in going to college.

    all these people that are saying they don't regret it is because they are getting paid to lie. they are getting paid to try and convince you to join. you think joining the military is fun? you think watching someone die next to you is fun? you think killing people is fun? if you go over to the middle east your most likely to return. but chances are you might not. people have died there. you may be next if you join. save yourself. try and go somewhere else.

    i bet ill get tons of thumb downs. but this is the true. joining the army is not a good thing unless you have no other options and you are in financial troubles.

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