
This question is for twillight fan....

by  |  earlier

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Since Bella had s*x with Edward does this count as being a nicrophiliac..... i'm sorry if all the fan feel offended i mean i'm a major hugh fan tooo but this question just pop up in my head...




  1. Hey I have question, what the heck is Twilight. First heard it from my friend a few months ago, and I still don't know. Could someone please tell me? ;) Thanks.  

  2. *to jenny*

    *jaw drops*

    how could you NOT know what twilight is????

    google is a book by stephanie reading it at the moment :)

    and to answer this question...i REALLY dont know..sorry :)

  3. Uhm not really...I would define someone without feelings and thoughts to be truly dead, Edward has both. In my opinion he in no way reminds me of a corpse, it actually never crossed my mind in till you brought it to my attention lol. As much as he may think otherwise, he has a soul, and he loves Bella, therefore I have always considered him to be very alive, I hope this helps ease your tension lol and I wonder what your overall opinon of Breaking Dawn was.

  4. Well I've never read the book, and don't plan on it, but I know that Edward is a vampire, and as far as I know, vampires are alive.. sorta.

    He's not 'dead' as in, corpse dead. He's just not fully alive as a normal person.

    Think of it this way, he needs blood right?  He needs it to LIVE.  So he obviously isn't 'dead' because he would need no food or drink of any kind.

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