
This question is intended for the believers only. No skeptics allowed, please. Home for sale question:?

by  |  earlier

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I believe in the power of St. Joseph to help in the selling of my home; however, I do not know which way he should face, where to bury him, and upside down or rightside up. I know there is an accompanying prayer that is to be said for 9 mornings, but is it 9 consecutive mornings, is it said any time in the morning and any where, or does it have to be said in the home I am trying to sell?




  1. who is saint Joseph? where do i buy/get his statue from. 5 months my house has been on the market, not one phone call, but i can't believe i am asking this question about a mercenary thing.

  2. Well, i'm a believer. And also i'm the kind of guy that think it is stupid to believe in "power" of St. Joseph. Have you ever read the Bible???  What part of God is the only one who has the power is the one that you don't understand? Remember, God has always disliked people that believe anything else can help'em... Why don't you look around in your Bible a little???

  3. It does not matter which way you bury him, we just got one cuz our house has been on the market since feb and no we will bury him this weekend and hope it works within a month or so....

  4. I'm not really a believer, but my mom's house was on the market for months and nobody's house in that area was selling, so I came across the St Joseph idea and we figured no harm in trying. She buried it in the front yard. There are so many conflicting claims on whether rightside-up or upside-down, etc, that I don't think the position actually matters. She didn't say any special prayer either.

    Her house sold within a month.

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