
This question is kinda emabarassing but i need an answer

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how do i avoid getting an erection when im making out with a girl? this question is really embarrassing for me to ask but i need to know the answer so whatever




  1. you can't, if you really like her and she turns u on, you won't be able to help it.....but it shouldn't be embarrassing, it's a guy thing, and i think most of us girls know/understand enjoy the time with the girl and don't worry about it...

  2. if im making out with you, i want you to get aroused. shows you're into whats going on. i'd feel bad if you didnt get one. so go ahead and get that erection!

  3. let her know you got on rub it next to her you might get lucky

  4. Unfortunately you can't. If you are aroused you are going to get

    an erection. It is the way we are built. I don't think any young woman today is going to be surprised at the fact the gentleman is aroused

    when making out with her so stop being embarrassed and enjoy the moment.  

  5. Just don't worry about it. If she freaks out then she needs a health lesson. I think it's s**y when my bf gets hard. Even though I know he can't help it, it feels like a compliment.

  6. dont worry about it buddy its natural and all the boys that she will make out with will get a *****. Dont listen to any of the silly girls here that are answering your question. How would a girl know how to not get a *****?

  7. Don't be embarrassed.  From personal experience, it is impossible to stop getting erect when making out.  You just can't do it, because you are turned on.  Don't worry about it, every guy gets the same thing as you.  Just enjoy the moment.

  8. i dont know if its true but i hear that guys can control that after the fiorst time they have s*x. doesnt make sense to me but thats what my bf claims.

  9. impossible

  10. think unsexy thoughts

  11. Thinking of unsexy thoughts will not get rid of an erection.

    This is the way that bodies are supposed to work! When you are aroused you are supposed to get an erection. Your body does this to prepare for s*x, but it doesn't know whether you're going to have s*x or if you're just going to kiss!

    And have you thought that perhaps your girlfriend wouldn't mind this at all? Perhaps even expect it?

    And by the way girls, quit thinking we have any control over it, because we don't really.

  12. count to 100?

    think of all things not sexual?

    think of your mum naked..

  13. Margaret Thatcher on a cold day!!! Though you are probably too young to know her.

    Think of the unsexiest thing you can. I used to think of my grandmas shoes. Sounds stupid but it does work.

    Just don't spend too much time thinking about them. If you are a bad kisser it is much worse than getting an erection!!


  14. just think that one day youll actually do what you want to do.....

    but for now when you have those thoghts open ur eyes for a sec and just relize how much you love her and they will probly go away

  15. Don't make out with her. Simple.

  16. its fine girls dont care

    it actually shows were doing a good job :)

    i think of it as a personal helper lol

  17. Dont worry about it. She is probably flattered that she turns you on!

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