
This question is not meant to offend......?

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Think about it. if Jesus died for our sins, would that make him the best psychic ever? And if that were so, wouldn't they have killed him just for being psychic?




  1. I'm failing to make that connection...

    The coming of the Messiah had been prophesied a long time before Jesus was born as a human. Through prayer to God and careful study of the Scriptures, he discovered that he was on Earth to fill that role.

    Did I miss the part about psychics?

  2. (((Donna)))

    I am getting flustered by answers like the following:

    No Jesus isnt Psychic he is the son of God cuz I said so!!!!!!

    does anyone study anything?

  3. "if Jesus died for our sins, would that make him the best psychic ever?"

    Elaborate, Donna. Why is this?

  4. Psychics source their intel from the dark side- that is limited in it's range, Jesus was one with God.... all knowing all seeing the alpha and the omega... knowing the beginning throught to the end!!  

  5. God is the beginning and the end so therefore He knows it all because He has created it all.  He does not see time as we do.  The Bible says 1000 yrs is as one day and one day is as 1000 yrs.  He doesn't use our conception of time.  Jesus is not psychic, He is the Son of God.

  6. Nah, ask away. I just have to wonder. You are an atheist and most atheist claim to know more about the Bible than most christians.  Still you ask questions like this.  Nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't make any sense.  

    Still to be literary honest to the Bible, allow me to direct you to this link:

    The Bible specifically wrote as to why Jesus was arrested and trialed.  No what if is necessary, it is all right there.

  7. i think they killed him for his witchcraft...

    3 cheers for the romans  

  8. Assuming the whole story is true (I believe it is, but it's a matter of faith), and Jesus was God in human flesh, then yes, He would have been able to see all sins of all people who had lived, were living, and would live.

    Why do you think He was crucified?  Although the purpose was as a sacrifice, the reason was because Jesus had, in the eyes of the authorities, committed blasphemy by making Himself equal with God.

    Interesting question.

    Edit:  So yes, He would have been psychic.  Some Christians say that being psychic is a sin.  I don't agree.  I only believe it's a sin when a person fakes it in order to fleece money from the gullible.  Psychics should not make any money from it, if they're truly psychic.

  9. No offense

    Who better to be the best psychic but God in flesh.

  10. Psychic?

    Jesus was in unity with the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit knows the hearts of men.

    If being under the revelation of the Spirit means that you are Psychic... but no.

    The concept of being Psychic and the concept of being under spiritual inspiration is not quite the same thing.

    The Sanhedrin did set out to kill him because they believed he was a false prophet, and that had scriptural mandate to execute false prophets.  They appealed to Pilate to do it because the authority to execute had been taken away from them.  But, he was killed for false prophecy and witchcraft, yes.

    Of course the position of Christianity is that they were misguided and blinded to the truth.

  11. *Jesus* was not only one crucified by Romans.

    He was going against the law of the Roman empire and that carried a sentence of death/crucifixion

    Acc. to Paul and others mentioning him in the Bible and there ONLY, basically a communist..*all for everyone deal*

    The Roman empire was strictly capitalist/slave based government.

    The *sins* paid for by him, is a false conclusion right from the start, since he was pronounced a *God*

    Interesting, Romans - and it IS documented- pronounced them selves Gods also, and so did Egyptians

  12. Jesus dying for our sins has nothing to do with being psychic. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God and because of who He is He is all knowing which is much different from being psychic. Psychics know only in part. People who are gifted can be gifted either from the dark side or from God those who get their gifting from God are called Seers. Yes there are seers today. Sometimes they are gifted with knowledge about an individual or sometimes they know something that will take place in the future for a nation.

  13. He was killed for being an atheist (non roman gods believer).... now, how many times must I tell you that, donna?

  14. Sins include:

    Everything you eat, unless it's soil (read the bible)

    Everything you wear and most things you drink.

    When you were younger you drank milk, sugar is energy, do you want a rusk?

  15. Yes, it's a tautology but it makes a lot of sense. What goes around comes around

  16. Lol. Sure. But if he is psychic doesnt he know which ones are going to h**l and which arnt. Why bother convincing the h**l doomed?

  17. As God, He was, is, and always will be the best psychic ever.

    As for that being a reason to kill him,

    I just knew you were going to ask that :)

  18. well apparently christians dont believe in psychics......

    but then they believe someone predicted prophicies in the bible, which have all come true....

    once again they prove that christians dont know what they believe!!

  19. talking about psychics, i am hungry

  20. Back then they called psychics prophets so they wouldn't have killed Jesus for that. He did face accusations from some of the Jewish leaders and people of being a false prophet however.

    John 7:38  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." 39  But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

    40  Therefore many from the crowd, when they heard this saying, said, "Truly this is the Prophet."  41  Others said, "This is the Christ." But some said, "Will the Christ come out of Galilee?  42  Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes from the seed of David and from the town of Bethlehem, where David was?"  43  So there was a division among the people because of Him.  

    44  Now some of them wanted to take Him, but no one laid hands on Him.  45  Then the officers came to the chief priests and Pharisees, who said to them, "Why have you not brought Him?"  46  The officers answered, "No man ever spoke like this Man!"  47  Then the Pharisees answered them, "Are you also deceived?  48  Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in Him?  49  But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed."  

    50  Nicodemus (he who came to Jesus by night, being one of them) said to them,  51  "Does our law judge a man before it hears him and knows what he is doing?"  52  They answered and said to him, "Are you also from Galilee? Search and look, for no prophet has arisen out of Galilee."  53  And everyone went to his own house.

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