
This question is only for women...?

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This question is only for women to answer.

Does anyone have problems being emotionally sensitive right before your period and also during your period? I always start crying and I get very sad right before I start my period. When this happens every time, I know that it is time to start. Does anyone have any answers as to why this happens and what I can do to treat this problem?




  1. yep going thru it right now.  soooo sad and want to cry.  i think quiet time and a nap might help.

  2. Oh yeah....the few days before I start, I get depressed over little things and a lot of times I get what I call "PMS Rage" =)  It usually involves door slamming, yelling, and getting up in the air over nothing...hormones I guess. I don't cry though, that would probably be better! I'm fine once I actually start my period.

    The best thing to do is read a good book, eat some chocolate (make mine dark!), go for a walk, rest, just have some alone time.

  3. Yup, pms is different for everyone, but many women have emotional changes during that time. Some birth control pills can make it better (some can make it worse though).

  4. I am like that for about 2 hours either the day before or two days before I start mine.  My husband is a very good man, he knows what is going on and knows that I know I am being irrational.  He is very supportive.  Usually we just find a movie on TV and veg out until the hormones blow over.

  5. Back in the day, each month I had to have one good no-reason-for-it crying jag.  I knew it was coming.  I couldn't stop it, but I could control it.  I would wait for a time when I was alone and had nothing else to do, and cry my eyes out.  This would last about 20 minutes and then it was over for a month.  I never knew why it happened but it was easy enough to accept.  I found it funny.

  6. Yes, I get that and it sucks big time.

    The best thing to do is contact your Ob/Gyn. He/She will probably put you on hormonal birth control.

  7. Womens are have greaters lifetimes risks of mood disturbings compared to mens's.  Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder plays a significant role and is highly a function of da fluctuation in estradiol levels during this time.  The DSM-IV listing followings of knowing about PMDD:


    Research Diagnostic Criteria for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder *

    A. Presence of five of 11 depressive, anxiety, cognitive or physical symptoms, with at least one of four specific symptoms experienced in most of the menstrual cycles for the past year. The symptoms may begin a week before menses and must completely remit within a few days after the onset of menses.

    Depressive Symptoms Anxiety Symptoms Cognitive Symptoms Physical symptoms

    Markedly depressed mood, feelings of hopelessness, self-deprecation†

    Marked anxiety, tension, feeling of being "keyed up"or "on edge"†

    Subjective sense of having difficulty concentrating

    Breast tenderness or swelling, headaches, joint or muscle pain, weight gain, "bloated" feeling

    Suddenly feeling sad or tearful, with increased sensitivity to personal rejection†

    Persistent or marked irritability, anger, increased interpersonal conflicts†


    Decreased interest in usual activities

    Feeling overwhelmed or out of control


    Lethargy, fatigue, marked lack of energy


    Marked changes in appetite and cravings for certain foods


    Insomnia or hypersomnia


    B. Symptoms interfere with social, occupational, sexual or school functioning.

    C. Symptoms are discretely related to menstrual cycle and are not merely worsening of preexisting depression, anxiety or personality disorder.

    D. Criteria A, B and C must be confirmed prospectively by daily ratings for at least two consecutive menstrual cycles.

    *--Classified as depression not otherwise specified.

    †--Of these four symptoms, at least one must be present in most of a year's menstrual cycles.

    Information from American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th ed. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association, 1994:715-8. Copyright 1994.


  8. Nope, it never happened to me.  But everyBODY is different, right?

  9. no i have never had PMS or cramps in my life.

  10. Lower levels of estrogen and higher amounts of progesterone.

  11. Hi, Singsalot.  This is absolutely normal.  Most girls and women suffer from it - it's part of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), along with tender and/or swollen b*****s, bloating, headaches, backache and many other possible symptoms.

    Google 'PMS'  and you'll find loads of useful info on how to cope with this.

    Good luck!

    EDIT:  Pay no attention to 'LumpyE".

  12. No, I don't get any PMS symptoms, except my b***s get bigger and I get really horny. I guess I lucked out. :)

  13. It happens because your hormones are raging. The best way to treat this problem is recognize when it's happening and try to keep yourself under control.

  14. It's very normal. You just have to tough it out sometimes. Life brings all sorts of pains, including for women, PMS and periods. I used to be that way in the first year of my periods and then I just ignored the pain/cramps for I have felt worse pain and got on with my life. Now I don't have to use Midol anymore, and can do whatever I usually do during my period. I'm 16, started when I was 14. When I was like 15 1/2 and learned that periods are considered "curses" on women and that many are ashamed of their periods and that it helped set women back back in the day b/c of all the pain/lack of women hygeine, I basically thought that I'm just going to ignore it and not let it bother me. It's not a curse, but a blessing. It's what helps make me a woman. That's the mind set I feel women must inspire among young women. That's the mind set I will give my daughter so that she's proud of it and does not let it affect her life. :) Seriously and no joke, just ignore it and remember that life is okay. It's only 5 days and you have felt worse in life. It's amazing how much a better mind set can change those 5 days. I used to have the same mind set as a lot of women and I hated my period. Then I turned it into a blessing. Good luck to you :)

    Haha Aycora B... I sometimes get that, too!

    Also, ignore Lumpy E. He's a mysogonist. No man could ever know what it's like to be a woman dealing with these things.

  15. The lining of your uterus is shedding. So that causes hormone level to become to high and get out of control. You can take pills, but I don't know if that would work.

  16. Not exactly..

  17. Before I start my period, I get really cheesed off about little things that don't usually bother me. I assume it's hormones. You should talk to your doctor if your mood swings are bothering you. Maybe birth control pills can help.

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