
This question pertains to global warming kind of?

by Guest56349  |  earlier

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Is it possible that global warming is a natural reaction of the Earth trying to maintain a balance due to the fact that a much larger ratio of the worlds water supply is being restricted from the natural cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation due to being increasingly stored in the ever growing population of Humans inhabiting the Earth?




  1. This probably isn't what you intended to ask, but bottled water is doing a lot to hurt the environment.  The creation and disposal of all the plastic to bottle it is a problem.   Also, the transportation of bottled water from one location with water to another location with water isn't the most efficient use of fuel.

  2. Only if everyone tries to hold it in.

  3. No, this is not possible.  The mass of water in the oceans dwarfs by many orders of magnitude the mass of water contained in human bodies.

  4. No really, the ecosystem as a whole adapts constantly to every change which occurs no matter if it is man made or not.  People seem to forget that 95% of all life on the Earth is microscopic and it prospers if it is warmer.

  5. The real issue is excess CO2 in the atmosphere weather or not it causes anything thats pollution caused by human activity. This is a problem that need not exist if good engineering was applied to the problem rather than argue for ever over if its the republicans fault or not. Fix the problem and everyone will be better off.

  6. The change in the surface area of water on the earth between now and a point at which there were no humans is insignificant.  Even if it were 1% which it is not, it would still pale by the amount of surface area.  You may be thinking of fresh vs salt water, but evaporation, condensation and precipitation not only involves all water; fresh, salt and even brackish, but all plant life as well.  If anything I believe that humans have increased the water available because they pump from the aquifers for drinking and watering crops. We also likely cause higher evaporation because we spray water in the air with our sprinklers and fountains.

  7. I would be inclined to believe that the passage of methane gas by humans would have a larger effect.

  8. it could be... but not the most likely answer

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