
This question was inspired by pirate girl ....?

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sorry if this is a stupid question, but what does it mean when someone is a "rainbow" or a "crystal" or an "indigo"?? and how do you know if they are???





  1. Of course the majority of people don't believe a word of it.

    I think it's just some new scam to sell books by making people feel special even though they're obviously not.

  2. Crystal children

    'Crystal Children are like these rare, precious lights, that people are drawn to. Everywhere they go, they can draw a crowd with a smile or a few words. I will never forget when my three year old was only about 9 months old, and we were camping at a Sundance ceremony, I was holding him on my lap, and within a few minutes, he had a crowd of about 10 children, sitting in front of us on the ground in a semi-circle. They sat there, listening, laughing and smiling with him, as he laughed and smiled back, waving his arms around and seemingly communicating with each child. One of the other parents came over and asked the kids what they were doing, and they replied, "we are talking with baby, he is telling us all kinds of stuff!" Other parents soon gathered around, amazed at what they were seeing. Our little 9 month old held that group of kids attention for almost an hour, they only broke up the little group when it was time to go for dinner. Over the Sundance, whenever I would sit with the baby, a group of kids would just instantly appear, wanting to "talk" with him and begging me to PLEASE LET THEM HOLD HIM. It seems even today, wherever we go, our three year old instantly draws a crowd of other children around him, often much older kids and engages them in a game or some other communication. This is a very common trait for crystal kids to have.

    Crystal kids tend to:

    be loving and forgiving

    very nurturing, especially towards younger kids and animals

    love cuddling, kissing, hugging and any kind of touch or holding

    be very affectionate with other kids and parents as well

    not like clothing, they seem to prefer nakedness, and if they have to wear clothing, it had best be soft and natural cotton or silks in happy colors

    communicate telepathically

    have delayed speech development because of their telepathic abilities they dont "need" to talk

    be very empathic, they will often ask others how they feel, noticing when loved ones are sick, or sad etc...

    have a strong desire to help others, especially other children in need

    be very patient and laid back

    have eyes that are soft, large and soul searching. They remind me of the "precious moments" kids!

    have food allergies and be "picky" when it comes to their food, really they are just trying to discern which foods vibrate with them well

    have a strong fantasy and creative play

    be able to see other worlds and dimensions

    not raise their voices unless they have had more than enough of a situation, other than that they rarely will yell at another person

    like to play with stones and crystals

    love the water

    at an early age talk about world issues like peace, the environment, humanity, world hunger etc.... and want to help

    have healing abilities that are already open

    be very much fearless, known for flinging themselves off of things like picnic tables and jungle gyms, or fearlessly running along narrow ledges

    Rainbow Children

    My daughter who is two, is very much a rainbow child. The word passionate does not even begin to describe her personality, she enters the world every day with a powerful energy, exerting her will, creativity and energy into everything she does. While her older Crystal brother is laid back and patient, she is charging forward with her voice on extra loud volume, doing this, doing that, she hardly ever stops to sit down for a moment or two!    She even eats on the run, taking little bites here and there in between jumping on the tramppoline or running by with a doll stroller at full speed. She LOVED clothes and COLOR, and will spend a lot of time changing clothes every day, and her clothes have to be clean and neat, or she removes them and chooses new ones, throwing the soiled ones at me and exclaiming loudly, "Wash them, mama, thank you!"    She will also spend a lot of time picking through the crayons, and selecting every hue of her favorite colors: pink and purple and then drawing with those hues. She seems very sensitive and attuned to color for a two year old. She even describes things in her life by what color they are as in Pink sparkle shoes, pretty purple shirt, my yellow cup, baby's blue cup and so on. She names colors all day long and if she discovers a new color she does not know a name for, like a hue of another color, she will ask me, "whats this?", and I better answer RIGHT AWAY, because if I am on the phone or at the ocmputer and do not immediately stop what I am doing to address her needs, she will shake my arm and her voice will repeat, "whats this, WHats THIS, WHHHATTTTS TTTTHHHIIISSS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"   Until I answer. Then she says queitly, "oh" and runs off to play with her new color discovery. We have not seen the same psychic abilities as her older brother has, but she has her own gifts, healing seems to be one of them. She is very aware of other peoples "owies" and is always ready to kiss them to make them better. her strong will and passionate creativity make her very fun to watch as she scampers about. She will create elaborate costumes out of feather boas and velvet fabrics and talk or hum to herself as she acts out her little world. She is a true joy to be around most of the time, as long as I make sure she gets my full attention if she needs something, because patience does not seem to be a very big Rainbow child quality.  They are already attuned to the world we are moving towards when things will instantly manifest. Humanity as a whole is not there yet, so the mass consciousness grid hold back instant manifestation form being commonplace. A toddler has a hard time understanding that, they feel if they "think" JUICE, well then juice ought to naturally appear instantly. And indeed in higher dimensions this is truth, and it is and will be turth her eon Earth as well, thanks to the Rainbow kids making it so!

    Rainbow Children tend to:

    have very strong wills and personalities

    be very high energy

    be very attuned to color and color vibrations around them

    have passionate creativity

    love bright clothing and colorful environments

    bubble over with enthusiasm for everything in life

    expect instant manifestation of whatever they think/need

    have healing abilities

    have telepathy

    The Rainbow Children seem to be here to implement the Divine Will, they will use their strong will and energy to build the new world on the foundation of peace and harmony the crystal children are laying down. And the crystal children are only able to lay down that foundation because the indigo children have alrady forged the path and broken down all of the old barriers! There is a pattern that is emerging within the soul groups of children that are coming into this world, and as we watch them, we can get a very good idea of where our world is headed.

    The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication."

    I hope this helps. I am not overally sure about all this. One could argue that children are the way they are becuase of the abundance of technology and learning. It was stated that the average child today 1-8 learns as much as a grandparent 0-60 in our grandparents time. one could argue that the advanced parenting skills and access to various psychologies etc also impact on children and that we as adults are seeing and viewing the world differently to what my parents did or grand parents did so their is more acceptance to the paranormal. 60 years ago even 30 years ago the old adage children should be seen and not herad was how children were percieved. Now many parents are treating their children as people and lsitening to them and gicing them time and attention which could impact on how children percieve the world and how we adults percieve them. Children are sponges they absorb everything so its natural to think the changing world will have an impact on them now without any paranormal stuff coming in to it. Although I am pro paranormal I am not really a believer in Indigo, crystal and rainbow children.

  3. Gypsy said it all...or most of it..You can google to get more information. I wonder who decided to name them those names and how they separated which ones were in which category. This doesn't mean it's just means somebody..probably a group of people..noticed this was happening with a lot of kids and decided to write something about it.I'd be interested to know which year they started naming them. I'd think anybody psychic would fit into one of these categories. I just think the kids are freer to express and use their abilities nowadays than the ones in the past. I imagine they were called gypsies a long time ago.

  4. indigo children, like blue-ray, crystal and rainbow children have come here to help raise earth's vibration as it moves into a more spiritual age. the vibratonal changes on earth are needed for us humans to spiritually evolve and accomplish what our souls were meant to accomplish here on earth. indigo children tend to be more sensitive to the psychic world and have an attraction towards spirituality no matter how they were brought up. i honestly do think i am one. many mediums told me that i was one and i also started having these strange experiences during my early childhood. indigo children were born since the 1930's but there was a big wave of them born from the 1970's onwards. a study has shown that 90% of children born from the 1990's are indigo children.

    honestly, you may start to notice that ppl are becoming more spiritual.. there is generally more spiritual awareness now than there ever was and it will continue to grow until we have finished what we were meant to accomplish here on earth.

    these are my 3 most fav websites with the best info you can get..

  5. gypsy white moon has it exactly right. They are names given to children with certain "gifts" or abilities.

  6. I'm glad you asked. I was wondering myself. Star.

  7. It is not a stupid question.  The terms refer to children who appear to be born with certain gifts.

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