
This really is not a question more of a comment so please read on?

by  |  earlier

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ok i am a server. i love my job. i have been at the same place for 10years. Here is what i have to say. to all the people who do not tip their server when dining out shame on you. that is how we make our money! you would not like it if you worked and did not get paid for it. I know i chose this job. i could do better. but this is what i want to do. we have to take care of you and your family when you come in. we clean up after you. there are some things we can not help so do not yell at us for it. be kind treat us how you would want to be treated. Remember to be nice have some respect and tip your server. OH i almost forgot, dont p**s us off. we are the last ones to handle your food!!!! LOL




  1. We love ya, Peanut!


  2. I tip good service well, and poor service fair market value.  I understand that you bring me what I ask for and clean up the table after I leave, but sometimes (and not always) the jerk who left the 3% tip before I showed up pissed you off and your rude to me or you spill my frosty cold fountain drink into my lap.  I'm always respectful and nice, but if there isn't a 20% (or better) tip there is a reason I only left 15%

  3. i feel your pain peanut (lol).  you have no one to tell and if you tell someone like your boss he or she will just be supporting the customer(s).  i totally understand how you feel.  my mother used to tell me about her experience as a waiter during med school and it wasn't really that pretty.  just keep on going at it. : )

  4. I know peanut, it's the same way with whomever. I've waitressed for 24 years, and no matter what, some people don't tip, and sometimes not enough. For the most part, I can say I get overtipped moreso than undertipped. I sometimes use the calculator to see what 15% is, and usually I get more than that. I work in a small town diner. People will come in the diner and leave a $1 tip for a cup of coffee. Others, you're lucky to get $1 off of two breakfasts. Older people don't tip as well. Middle aged and twenties tip the best. Teenagers don't tip well. Couples tip better than two of the same s*x.

    I love how people say "you can go to college and better yourself". Well, if that was the case, then there would be no waitresses or waiters. Obviously some of us cannot afford college when you have kids or older parents, or whatever. And Mr. Chef who replied, stay in the kitchen. You are getting paid a much higher wage than we are, even if you do waiter sometimes.

    There have been times when the cook gives a smaller portion, and then we're suppose to charge a certain price. Mainly talking about cole slaw or a salad. If they control what the customer is getting, then they should give a proper amount. Sometimes the cook thinks they are paying for the food and not the owner. People do not want to pay $1.65 for a small money dish of cole slaw.

    That's what this place is for. For us to vent. People have complained about servers for years, and this is a place that waitresses can vent too!!! People don't realize what idiots they look like sometimes in a simple common place called a restaurant.

    Waitresses Rule!!!

  5. I always tip. And I always will.

  6. I agree and always tip well because when I was a kid I delivered newspapers, pizzas, whatever and tips was what it's all about. Ya have to let it slide on the cheapskates and hope the tippers are tipping more than they should. Good luck.

  7. Nicely said, bravo!

  8. I am a chef but when needed I can also waitress....and usually do very well. There are and always will be people who just don't get the concept of tipping...but sometimes you get what you deserve. You are not jsut a server you are a salesperson. you need to work hard to please your customer and sell sell sell....the bigger the check...ther bigger thetip. I get tired of servers placing all blame on customers...just like any job you should further educate will get better when you do. Try asking on here what server quailites makes someone tend to tip more, or even what makes them tio less....

  9. I especially hate it when I dine out with friends when there's that one person in the group who refuses to tip more than 15%, no matter how good the service was. I've never been a server (or even worked in any food service role) but I think it'd really p**s me off if someone tipped EXACTLY the bare minimum.

  10. I know exactly how you feel...

    People suck its that simple.

  11. I was a server as well and first of all props for having the patience to do it for a decade! Not only should people tip, but 10% is not the (going rate), it is unacceptable to leave a $3.00 change tip on a $200 bill when you had unarguably excellent service. $4.00/hr is NOT enough to live on, we depend on your tips, so get on it! Also, I strongly believe that everyone should work in food service for at least a week out of their life. .. or maybe that should be a week every year so they don't forget. :P

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