
This really isn't a question but I believe some congrats are in order.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a diehard Flyers fan and picked the Flyguys in 6, but I have to congratulate the Pens on an excellent display of hockey(really I'm not above doing this). We were beaten fare and square, a hockey club with more talent beat us. Congrats and good wishes to Sid and Malkin and the rest of the boys from the Steel City.

All I ask of the people who respond is no c**p comments about how the Flyers suck, I just congratulated the Pens, please let me mourn the loss of hockey in my city for the foreseeable future and the horror of having to watch baseball.

But as a last thing to say, and maybe it's my question, where do you guys see this budding rivalry going( I really don't believe we have one truly yet, I hate the Rangers and Devils far more), I see the next 5-7 years we could have some very heated battles with some real battles for division and conference supremacy going on I hope. Also, do people enjoy the prospect of these teams have a real hatred of eachother.




  1. I couldn't get onto Answers until late last night and by that time I was too tired and frustrated to actually read through all the questions and answer anything.

    Congratulations to the Penguins and their fans.  The better team won this series.  I believe that without the injuries to the Flyers, the series would have been more competitive but the final outcome would have been the same.  Despite the fact that the Flyers are a couple of years behind the Penguins in the rebuilding cycle, I think we saw the re-birth of a rivalry, something Flyers and Pens fans are going to enjoy for years to come.  I will be pulling for the Pens to beat the Red Wings or Stars in the finals.

    Sis: Most Penguins fans have been very classy around here along with the Pens fans I know personally.  Yes, there are a few low budget Pens fans on here.  Ignore them and move on, they really aren't worth your time or effort.

  2. Despite all my talk, I really think the Pens are the real deal. The defense has been getting all the accolades - and deservedly so. They shut down the Flyers scorers and that was all they needed to do.

    Defense wins games. The Flyers scored an average of 3.29 goals per game versus the Caps, 4 PG versus the Habs, and mustered only 1.8 PG against the Pens. Every media market wants to tout Malkin and Crosby as the reasons why they will win the Cup, but it is the steady, shut down play of the defense that got them this far.

  3. It is so nice to read about a person who can acknowledge when his team was beat fair and square.  My Flames also lost to the Sharks and I accept that the Sharks played a better series.  So mourn in peace.  As far as the rivalry goes, I expect it to become a rivalry similar to the Flames-Oilers rivalry.  Both cities being so close geographically and both teams being very talented in their own ways, this will become a very exciting rivalry to watch.  I just wish we got more of their games on tv in my region.

  4. i think we will really develop a rivalry w/ the flyers esp. if we meet in the playoffs again sometime soon.  im sure it will be a great series but i guess see you next season flyers.  im sure the division race will be a little more heated in the fall and hopefully we get some good hockey games from this future rivalry

  5. I am a diehard flyers fan too and i think what you just did really shows how un-trashy our fans are. we lost fair and square. hey theres always next year. i think the pens are going to win the finals. at least we could say that we got beat by the best.

  6. This rivalry will be a very good one that will last a while. As a relatively new Flyers fan, I hate the Penguins much more than the Rangers and the Rangers much more than the Devils, so I know that more new Flyers fans will hate the Penguins. What a rivalry that will be.

  7. i'm sorry. but i hate the flyers. they cheated against the capitals.

    they push our freggin goalie outta the way and shoot and they get to keep the effing point!

    not right, not right at all.

  8. Since this is not a question. So this is not  an answer..

  9. Hey Nick Jonas- you are an idiot, they didn't cheat against the caps, the flyers were the better team and thoreson didn't check huet, he hit another capitals player and he crashed into huet and thoreson didn't know huet was behind the player, he was just finishing his check, get over it the flyers were the better team

  10. How nice and great of you to step up and congratuate us Pens fans and the Penguins in general. I had a very sad view of Philly and the way their fans acted until I read this post. Good for you, and thanks for stepping it up!!

  11. I personally have been a Pens fan since they were the Hornets in the AHL & can honestly say that there has always been a pretty intense rivalry between our two cities, on the ice, on the football field, & in baseball as well. I loved watching the Broad Street Bullies wipe out the league in the '70's (loved Bobby Clarke & Bernie Parent). The Flyers & Pens have always seemed to step it up, no matter where they were in the standings. It's just been in the last few seasons that the Pens have actually begun to win a few in Philly. I remember going to the old Spectrum wearing a Pens' sweater & watching the Flyers beat the Pens & then having to basically fight my way out. Hey, that's the way it should be. Fans always stand up for their team. There's never been any hard feelings from me about that & I actaully got to party with a bunch of Flyer fans on the south side of Philly at Smokey Joe's ( don't know if it's still there).

    I'd also like to give my congrats to the Flyers on a great turn around & will predict that the ballance of power in this conference will be the Flyers & Pens for some years to come. h**l, remember that only two seasons ago, the Pens were about the worst tem in hockey & now they're going to the big show. There's no reason to believe that Flyers won't continue their rise.

  12. why do you hate the rangers, because your team couldn't even score on our back-up goalie. im surprised your filthy flyers actually beat the pens, i thought for sure you guys were getting swept back into the closet

  13. why even say all this stuff on yahoo answers if its not a question

    im glad now that the penguins won

  14. Ya know, i am a Flyers fan too and after reading some of the posts from the Pens fans, i wonder if they would have stepped up and had what it takes to congratulate the Flyers fans if it was the other way around.  I dont think so.  I think you showed a great deal of decency in posting what you did.  Kudos to you for that.  As far as anything else, will have to wait and see what happens with Dallas and Detroit.  I too would like to congratulate the Pens.  All us Flyers fans are not ignorant like most of you think we are.

  15. I am a Wild fan and understand your mourning the loss and all. I think hockey fans are the most awesome fans on earth, no matter what team they cheer for, thanks for being a good sport. I really enjoyed watching Briere, your goalee, Biron, a rising star WOW! Wish I would have seen more of Timmo, sorry about his injury, what a loss to suffer at a time like that. Your team got to the semi's because they deserved it, they were professionals, every line. I think there is some real hatred while the game (or series) is on, but off the ice, I think those guys respect eachother and maybe even like one another. City rivalry is all in the spirit of the cities involved.

  16. I'm a Pens fan and I thank you for your classy question. I hope we do become rivals, but I really hate NJ more.I was hoping gm 5 would've been better.Flyers could have phoned in a better showing.

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