
This reoccurring gross dream I've been having.

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So, I've had these similar dreams off and on throughout my life and was wondering if anyone can help me figure out what it means. its a little gross just to let you guys know.

Me and some friends were on our way to a roadtrip, but had to stop by the bathroom. When I entered, the bathroom was filthy with urine and p**p on the floor. I carefully walked to a toilet trying not to touch any of the walls and I realized that I was barefoot (yuk!). When I started peeing, it was all over my feet and I saw some dead flies on the wall.

Im 27/M and I've had dreams of going to filthy bathrooms before barefoot feeling helpless because I had to go. Any ideas?




  1. Dude that is sickening. I mean I was so close to throwing up. Um can't help ya but  I thought it looked funny. Plus, I get points if I answer questions!! ^_^

  2. Here are some meanings to a few key symbols in your dream. maybe this can help you analyze what is going on in your life and you can figure out if they are significant in any way.

    Most of the time the symbols are your subconscious trying to give you signs on how your life is changing or about to change.

    Toilet - A toilet symbolizes a release of upsetting emotions..

    Feet - This symbolize stability and taking a step in the right direction. It is a bout making progress slowly but surely.

    Walls - These symbolizes limitations, obstacles and sometimes protection

  3. Your dream means when you have to do something, you want to do it right. That is you are ethical, don't want to short cut, cheat, etc. Hence you avoid all the "filthy" things in life. However you realize you can't make it through life without bending your own rules and standards a bit that you hold yourself up to. To interact with people, sometimes you got to get "your feet dirty"; you can't be a goodie. And sometimes like peeing on your feet you get carried away, and do the things you don't want to do. Chow

  4. OK now you asked for help to interpret this dream and I am willing to do so but you have to be honest and be willing to find out the truth for yourself. You said you've had this dream throughout your life and around this time; so this is pretty serious dream.

    For all those years in your life, there has been something unlawful involved in your life. Either it comes from you or from your parents. This could be money that you or your parents earned unlawfully or through indecent manners. It could be food you ate or you were fed which was not rightfully owned. The continuation of this dream confirms that you are still involved in that kind of life; particularly, the urine you see in the dream signifies that you are using your money for something immoral or indecent, but the p**p specifically shows money and food earned wrongfully whether you are of it or not. So I guess you need to ask your parents how they earned their income when you were a child or even before that; and you have to check yourself too. How are you earning your living and on what things are you spending your money for?

    In order to have these kinds of dreams to stop, you must evaluate your earnings and if it was something in the past, come to terms with it, and begin a new chapter for your life because this dream is informing you of something that you don't know. It doesn't mean that you are guilty of anything, it just means these are situations that happened before or happening in your life.  

  5. So... how does this dream make you feel? I know some people that would actually like this dream, though in real life they would not dream of doing it. (pun intended)

    If the dream stays the same it is nothing to worry about. Note the things that change in your dream. It is about inevitable body functions and changes usually indicate inevitable changes are under way.  

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