
This sickens me...?

by  |  earlier

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The logging in my part of the country is extremely bad. People do not understand how nice the scenery is, and what a beautiful place it really is. But now, there is very few, if any of these places left, and all are left with tremendous clear cutting, and extensive logging.

Talk about brazil? look at ****** canada.. it just sickens me when all the nice lakes and rivers are surrounded by this.... we brag about how beautiful our country is... but we continue to destroy it

well heres just an example of what the logging is like... OH and by the way, these are old videos. ITs much worse now. Nothing has changed but has only gotten worse.




  1. well, environment friendly minds will really be sicken with this event that is happening. people would not just easily believe on environmentalists promoting to stop or just lessen this practices. it is hard to bring everything back. all we could do now is to preserve things that we can still preserve.

    it is ok to get resources but the bad thing is that they just get resources, they don't replace it.

  2. In the USA there are more trees than was here 30 years ago.

      In the Ecuadorian jungle the trees are winning... The trees are growing faster than man is cutting them down....

  3. Don't they replace the cut tree with two new sapling

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    That is law in the lower United States with every one cut two are to be put in its place

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    So the striped land is replaced with a new tree already starting to grow

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    You got to get with the local people where you live to see if there should be this also done to protect the forest

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    And pine trees are one of the fastest growing trees I know of that is usable for building material

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  4. It is about time that the governments of countries worldwide put a stop to wholesale deforestation. It is little wonder that freak weather now occurs just about everywhere while the balance of nature is being damaged the way it is, the amount of tree planting that is taking place is totally inadequate. There are far more trees being cut down that there are being replaced.

  5. people do not realise the vitality of the environment...this is so  sad...they'l realise until evrything is lost....i dont understand how people can b sooo pitiless at times
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