
This site made me chuckle. What do you think?

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The tone gets a bit too heavy here. I'm just trying to lighten it up a bit.




  1. I love humor any way shape or form, sometimes British humor goes beyond me though. All in all... whats wrong with a smiley day?


  2. That's funny!  

    I was just thinking today of announcing my disgust with all the snarky trolls from the tribe of deniers out there!   The worse the extremely severe weather has become,the trolls get worse and worse! I would say that easily,that 60% of the postings on this site are a combination of paid trolls for the oil companies,with multiple accounts, snarky religious zealots,with their own multi acc., and tons and tons of patheticly ignorant,angry children! It's horribly ironic that the "top answerer" in this cat. is itself a snarky troll from the tribe of deniers. I have really thought hard about even answering ANY more postings here.  The dialouge has gotten way too childish and uninformitave!

    The everwidening parameters of severe weather extremes is a clear indicator of rapid climate change in the form of unpredictable instability in the weather.  Watch now for the terms"weather refugees", and "evacuation zones" to start showing up on the brainwashing news channels!  

    AGW is real, and we can't stop it now! All we can do is try to slow it down,and try to adapt to rapidly changing weather patterns.   Best wishes,and good luck!

  3. number 9 was kinda funny

  4. This is all due to globle warming.

  5. I dont get most of them, but some give the idea that its gonna get really really hot !?

    Well, I usually sleep with air conditioner on, but so does everybody with an air conditioner......

    Well having a fan is better than nothing, in the event that air conditioners stop working....fevers are a good way to make you feel cooler too...

  6. never mind we are crossing fire balls at our essence- the food crisis. sleeping politics,world social going , terrorists rising here and there . prices at petrole going up as never before , world social going to FREE decay and so many odds to make us think where we are heading!

    The language has to be quite from ordinary if you want to wake up sleeping lots.


  8. that not even funny

  9. That site promotes nuclear energy, which doesn't sound eco-friendly to me (and by "eco," I mean ecologically and economically)!  And you could then make jokes about saving energy by glowing in the dark and global warming not seeming bad at all compared to nuclear meltdowns!  This is why the AGW movement has caused even those who care about the environment, pollution, and toxins to reject this agenda--it doesn't address the issue in any logical or rational way!  And it punishes and blames the wrong people!

    Pantagruel, I respected you and your answers...until you started being so closed-minded, fanatical, and mean to anyone disagreeing with you on this issue!  I'm NOT working for oil companies (just look at all of my q's and a's and you'll know I'm against their schemes)!  

    I'm all for cars that give you 100 mpg, electric cars, etc.--I'm not for the wasteful schemes suggested by government which is coming out of our pockets instead of saving us fuel and money like it should.  What's so hard to understand about that?

  10. I thought it was pretty cool and right on the dot. As for the ac use during hot season in the future not so far away it wont really matter because electric will be hard to come by or just to expensive.

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