
This so called "email" is a fraud. I didn't write it. So why does YA allow their own TOS to be violated?

by Guest58838  |  earlier

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I was honorably discharged from the USAF in April of 1987, NOT "August" like the lying poseur claims. Why is it no surprise he got that wrong?

Also note the: "To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

More proof the same guy that posted this wrote it himself.

"Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 09:26:12 -0800 (PST)

From: nokia_navyseal

Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more

Subject: I Have A DD 213 You Chickenhawk Poseur

To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

You are a chickenhawk lying poseur. I have an honorable discharge and my DD 213 proves that lol. I was discharged in August of 1987. I served in an Intel Unit stateside. Why are'nt you in Iraq fighting? Whats your excuse?

How old are you? Are your parents at home now? You know I am a Federal Law Enforcement Officer and I would never hurt you if you let me come over."




  1. Why do you care.  A very large percentage of the posters on Y/A 'fudge' their resume.  watch them over time, it can be very entertaining!!!  Sit back and enjoy!!!!

  2. Hmmmm!  Not sure what a DD 213 would show you but a DD 214 would indicate what your discharge was.

  3. Scott you have emailed so many YA posters with emails like this it is now laughable.  I could care less if you are a poser veteran.  What concerns me is the fact you are a pedophile that I will catch someday in the near future.

    Chris Hansen


    To Catch A Predator TV show

  4. You are a fraud veteran.  Who are you today? some stateside rear echelon photo processing REMF or your Navy SEAL ID.  So many veterans have caught you in lies you have become a joke on YA.  The only thing being violated is you when you hang out in airport mens rooms wide stancing people.

    Oscarsix has you pegged you fraud.

  5. he... "doth protest too much, methinks."

  6. I am Nokia Navy SEALS RIP ex wife.  When we first met he told me he served in some stateside clerk position with the Air Force but later said he enlisted as a Navy SEAL.  He told me he could not tell me he was a SEAL so that is why he made up the Air Force story.  As I eventually came to find out that Scott has never served.  After our divorce I reported him to and they verified he never served in the military.  He is a poser. Just ignore him.

    Scott: it brings a smile to my face seeing other real veterans punking you on YA Military section.....priceless.

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