
This sounds awful but.. ?

by  |  earlier

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kay i still like my ex boyfriend,

who is also my bes guyfriend

but i was on the phone with him today and he said he had a girlfriend!

and shes a total s**t!

she tried to give him a bj when he was dating someone else (not me) and shes made out with and taken her shirt off for other guys who had girlfriends. and shes just.. ugh shes just soso wrong for him. i know shes gonna hurt him.

i DO NOT want them dating.

but i cant come right out and say i dont cause he knows i still like him and h**l think its cause of that. which it kinda is.. but he cant know that lol

so i know this sounds awful but how can i make him dump her?

and yah know, maybe relize that im much better for him lmfao

thanks :D




  1. He should not be telling you this kind of information. He will talk about you, too. I would not trust him at all.  

  2. You can't make him dump her. From the way you've described her, I'm betting it won't be a long relationship. Let nature take it's course. He'll figure it out for himself with a little time. Don't sweat it. In the meantime, focus on being his friend. If he wants to talk about it, he'll come to you. Then you can be honest on how you feel.

  3. It's either you leave it alone.. or tell him the truth. it may be hard but isnt that the only way he'll find out?

    you want him to get hurt or save him? :]

    explain to him everythingg. say ur not jealous... etc.. he should realize how much u care 4 him.

    good luck.

  4. If your still talking and you care that much about him just quit messing around and tell him that you  still love him and you want him back and see what happens

  5. This will be hard to hear but talk to him about it. Tell him your concerns that he'll get hurt. If he chooses not to listen and does get hurt then be there for him. If your there for him he might realize how good of a girl you are and how much he really wants you as a closer part of his life. I hope things work out with you and him. :)

  6. Maybe try to prove to him that she does that kind of atuff. If she is doing that, i bet she is cheating on him eright now. If u ever see her with another guy besides him, if they are still dating, try to take a pic or somethin.  

  7. If it was me I would ask him if he wanted to go to lunch one day and then be like "I don't think it's a good idea for you to date, so and so I really think she's going to hurt you.I totally get it if you still want to be with her but I just want to let you know she has a bit of a um reputation for hurting people and being sleazy, thats just my advice, I know you didn't ask for it but, you being my FRIEND I felt as though I had the obligation to tell you". So thats what i would say, good luck with this!

  8. well first u cant make him dumb her because its his choice. and dont try to get involved with his relationship because  tht will only ruin yalls friendship. the best thing u can do for him is let him find out for himself ..he has to make his own mistakes or he will never grow from them. if it was meant to be between yall then it will happen but dont force it  

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