I think my son might be sick. His forehead is really cool to the touch and he's sweating too. The back of his head is cool too. I have the A/C on, but I don't think that's the cause of it. He acts fine. I mean, he still interacts with me like he usually does. I took his temperature and it's normal. I'm just worried that I am missing something here. Everything seems fine except for his clammy forehead.
I'm just wondering, has this happened to any one else too? My son is 5 months old.
I would call the doctor, but where I live we have really bad connection. I'll be lucky to even get through. And once I get through, I'll be lucky if I can even hear what they're saying.
My gut feeling is saying that there is something wrong. But like I said, his temperature came up normal and he's acting normal too.