
This sounds really stupid but...?

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I think my son might be sick. His forehead is really cool to the touch and he's sweating too. The back of his head is cool too. I have the A/C on, but I don't think that's the cause of it. He acts fine. I mean, he still interacts with me like he usually does. I took his temperature and it's normal. I'm just worried that I am missing something here. Everything seems fine except for his clammy forehead.

I'm just wondering, has this happened to any one else too? My son is 5 months old.

I would call the doctor, but where I live we have really bad connection. I'll be lucky to even get through. And once I get through, I'll be lucky if I can even hear what they're saying.

My gut feeling is saying that there is something wrong. But like I said, his temperature came up normal and he's acting normal too.




  1. if your concerned, just keep an eye on him but he sounds fine to me.

  2. If he's acting normal, and he doesn't have a temp, he's fine!

  3. he may just be a hot baby, my son (7 weeks old) gets like this all the time! let him be naked with a diaper on, as long as there is no fever and he isnt fussing...then dont worry about it. good luck to you  

  4. if your gut is telling you something is wrong- maybe you should try to call a doctor. or even drive somewhere to find out.

    better safe than sorry... right? when it comes to babies or children nothing is a stupid question.

    make sure you have socks on him and keep him in warm clothes. even tho he feels cool- it doesnt mean he is.

    good luck. hope everything works out.  

  5. My son sweats all the time. He has a condition in which his hands and feet are constantly sweaty. I wouldn't worry about it unless he starts getting other symptoms of being sick. And with out a fever, he's probably not sick. But if your gut says there is something wrong, I would stick to that. A mother always knows.

    Good Luck

  6. My daughter sweats at the drop of a hat (just like her daddy!). If he is acting normal and doesn't have a temperature, he's fine.

  7. Ummm. Well... Turn off the air. Keep cool clothes on him. Cold sweats...yeah the air turn it off. A baby can't take the temperatures adults can. SOOOO check his clothes if he's wearing alot of clothes (you put them on so he won't be cold while the air is on)then more than likely he's hot as h**l,,,yet he's cold too. COLD SWEATS...maybe. Either turn the air off while he's in the room, reduce clothing, and see what happens

  8. If your gut feeling is something is wrong, then take him to the Doctor.  Even if it's nothing at least you'll have peace of mind!

  9. My daughter will be 5 months old on the 9th and she is a little sweat monster!  Especially when she sleeps.  The air conditioner creates a lot of humidity in the house and the cool air on the sweaty body makes it feel pretty cool and clammy.  I don't think you have anything to worry about.  My daughter wakes up in a puddle every morning and throughout the night when I check on her.  At first I thought it was drool or pee but it's always just around her head and her little head gets soaked whenever she sleeps.  (And she's not overdressed or bundled up either).  I'm sure your little one is fine.  Just make sure he stays hydrated and has normal diapers.  

  10. Your his mom, if you have a gut instinct that there is something wrong take him to the Dr's...better safe than sorry.

  11. just1more had it close to right.

    If you think something is wrong, call your pediatrition and talk to the nurse on call.  She can help you evaluate if your worries justify if he needs to be seen by the doctor or not.  Several times, we've had discussions with our doctor's nurse.  Many times, the answer will be to just keep a close eye on any additional changes in his behavior.  Other times, our gut feeling of our child being out of sorts has been the tipping point to justify in the nurse's mind he needs to be seen by the doctor.

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