I feel like there are a lot of coincidences going on in my life right now but nothing seems to be working out. Its weird. I dunno how to explain it exactly, but I feel like I'm in a state of limbo. Like old people are popping up that I haven't spoken to in years, this 1 guy I thought was cute keeps popping up in 1 way or another thru various aspects of my life (by accident), I'll say a random quote that is rare & it'll show up throughout the day in different forms. Yet, I feel like everytime I try to make something happen, or just even let things just happen, nothing does. I feel like I keep getting discouraged & feel like coincidences are not meaningful & that life is just chaos, but I have a hard time believing that. At the same time, NOTHING is going my way. Not to sound conceited, but usually guys will find me attractive & something good will come of it, but this time, everything seems like it's almost there but then just disappears.
I don't get it? What is going on?