
This sucks: How can I find REAL friends?

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My life sucks. My school sucks. Everything sucks and I'm miserable and lonely (but I'm mostly lonely). And no one likes me or loves me. I feel like I just wanna commit suicide or wishing I was dead in my sleep. I'm never happy and I never will be. Please keep on reading:

How on earth can I find REAL friends (to hang out with)? This is impossible. And the reason why I say it's impossible is because my whole class and ALL of my classmates exclude me, even when they say that they're not excluding me. This sucks!! I mean, ALL of them are yabadabadoo hanging out with people when they got me feeling left out in some way. I mean, I can't even yabadabadoo hang out with these people!! I feel so excluded! And since my best friend (who was my REAL friend), transferred to another school in another state, I don't have any REAL friends now!! (Just to let you know, I can't contact my best friend because I don't know her e-mail, phone number, etc.) UGH! I feel like I wanna scream and say, "CAN"T I JUST BE YOUR FRIEND, FOR PETE SAKE?! AND HANG OUT AT LEAST?! SHEESH!" I just want a friend and I hate being SO lonely and bored at school!! I mean, I DO talk to people and I socialize, but those classmates of mine are excluding me and think that they're cool!! Sheesh!! How can I find REAL friends now, huh?




  1. I'm guessing this has got something to do with the obnoxious teenage guys that are all jerks =D

    First of all just chill, i know that feeling left out sucks, but don't get yourself worked up about it, you always should have one friend you can count upon, yourself, so don't take that away from you.

    I used to be left out of everything because i was the fat smart kid that nobody wanted to be friends with, well at least that's what i thought, because i was trying to fit in with all the popular people.

    Then i opened my eyes, and saw that there was more to school than hanging out with the popular kids, and i started talking to the people in my class i would never talk to before, people i considered to be nerds, and as i slowly got to know them, i saw that they were cool in there own way.

    Now i'm friends with almost everyone in the school, just because i started to open my eyes, and look for people who wanted me as a friend, not people i wanted to try to fit in with.

    Hope that helps.

    You can email me or MSN me about it if you want

  2. I can understand how you feel.I went thru something similar  a few months ago .I had almost no one to talk too except for my mum when i was home schooled and even then she was pretty much gone all day and came home late.Did i mention we lived on an island?Yes i was pretty messed up.I know this may not seem like much but try random chat rooms or forums,i found a few good people to talk to and who always kept me from falling down,at times i even think that they where better then the "friends" i used to have.If you need some one to talk you can also email me if you want.Good luck! P.S.-i know this maybe a silly thing to say but you are never alone.

  3. Don't kill yourself. Take a DEEP breath(:

    There is life outside of drama/friends/school problems.. there is a real world, and in that real world. you have many opportunities, to meet new people! You're not on a timer, so don't feel rushed to find friends. Maybe talking to some new people that seem nice could help you though. Just hang in there. :]

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