
This test is verry confuising can i be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I took a pregnantcy test like 5 minutes ago one line was thick and really really dark red & the other line was really really realy thin and light pink you can barly see it but its there, its been 12 days since my period was supose to come but didn't, i took a test on friday it came out negitive. The pregnacy test is cheap it was 6.99 & it says if you see 2 visable lines one on each side then your pregnant. im confuised, what do u think?




  1. DUH, of course your pregnant! Congrats! ps. i posted a question about if i'm pregnant, can someone please answer? i'm desparete! find it under the question, am i pregnant? read the details and answer! also, i also posted a question on overdue. answer that one to, PLEASE!!!!!!

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