
This thought has been itching me for a while I haven't slept in two days why do we has humans fear that one ?

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day we realize that life is just life, running on one logic descions and consequnce ? For deep thinkers and thank you ahead of time ^_^




  1. and thats why people lean on drugs and alcohol to avoid that misconception.


  2. You could be stressed out.  Look into your own actions and be accountable.  I am celebrating my 12 years of sobriety Sept 1 and the so-called deep thinkers when I was younger were drug and alcohol intellectual wannabes.  My mind is clear and my body is healthy and for 12 years I have had many good nights sleep.  My career and social life has taken me into a deeper area of life with fewer, but more intelligent quality friendships.  Hope this helps and have a good nights sleep.

  3. I realized that life is just life when I was four years old.  What is there to fear?

  4. First better get some zzzzz ... you project your futur by the thoughts you have today.....the feellings you have now is a feed back of what you project in the can only see in retrospect...very few people in the history of mankind have been able to live in the eternal now

  5. because our not getting the sleep you need to be energetic i the morning, not sleeping and stunt growth, going to sleep would be a good idea trust me

    please answer my question;...

  6. I don't think that we fear the realization that life is just life, but that we fear that we won't be in control of our own lives.  In a world that is increasingly out of control, we fear that we will be swept along in the flood of insanity, without any measure of say in the matter.  This is illogical, of course, as we always have some control, some say in the decisions.  Even refusing to make a decision, or not taking action, is a decision.  Now, go to bed, and get some sleep.  Make a decision to take care of yourself, so that you can be in control of your actions.

  7. RISK to REWARD ratio. that's human and animal life.

  8. I get that sometimes. And I think whats the main aim of life. Some say love, some say fun, some say its just another phase of eternal life. I reckon the whole point of our life is to waste our time trying to distract ourselves from realizing life is just life. Some people do it well, some people commit suicide. This is where religion comes in, for the people who are seeking something more that simply doesn't exist. But its easier for the logical human mind to believe in things illogical than to actual face the logical truth of the fact that this life has no goal or main aim and we are here for no reason. Which is illogical.

    I hope you understand what I'm trying to say amidst my odd ramblings but I hope I've given you an answer, if a slightly pessimistic one. I do hope you are not offended.


  9. There are 6 plus billion people on this planet all rushing around trying to get ahead, make money, pay off their house and raise their kids so that they can do the same!

    Here's the thing and something to really think about and blow your socks off; of those 6+ billion people, in 120 years time there won't be any of them left, they will all be replaced by people rushing around....etc, etc, etc.

    The only truly predictable thing about life is death and we need to learn how to live and not be hi-jacked by the system.

    If you are young you will be in your 50's or 60's before life has any real meaning and you have any grasp of what it's about, so don't waste your youth with mere material pursuits, learn to live.

  10. Because Life is just life and once you've realised how can you not fear it? The fact that you are one person in the world who has no status whatsoever thinking that you are but a mere ant in the eyes of someone else. Who wouldn't fear that?

  11. Life is inherently empty and meaningless.  And its empty and meaningless that its empty and meaningless!

    The only meaning LIfe has (whether we're speaking of all Life everywhere or your own individual life) is the meaning that you and I  choose to give it.

    When you truly get this -- it will transform your life.

  12. Because we as humans are selfish,greedy, and happy. We have one track minds, anytime someone thinks very deeply about thinks like that we either go insane or forget about it. We have been trained by generations and generations of laws and rules that if you step outside the box too much you are going to get bit. So the answer to your question is don't worry about it there isn't a reason for you to be worrying about it just have faith.

  13. Not all humans fear it, although you're right in that the majority do.

    It's not so much fear as it is anxiety about the unknown.  We're bombarded with religious messages that "life has meaning, it's all part of God's plan, blah blah blah", but we don't hear enough people saying that life is just life.  I think that, in the future, we'll see more people willing to grasp this concept.

  14. An idea has been bothering you, making you manic, why do people fear WHO? Who are you talking about?

    Life is just life? What does that mean?

    Running on one logic decisions and consequences - is a nonsense sentence.

    Get some sleep you are babbling incoherently.

  15. what if that is true? That this is all there is? It's rather sad and pathetic then, because life then becomes nothing but work, work, and more work, for most people....

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