
This thought is really bugging me!?

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Well I'm a happy girl. Good family, awesome friends, great grades, ect. But I keep thinking about suicide. I don't know why!! I would never do it ever. But it crosses my mind. I'm a teenage girl that just started her period. I'm not good at all to talking to people about this.

I'm happy!! Like i'll be sitting there minding my own business and then my mind is like, "is your life worth living?"

And I'm like wth!!?? My parents were in a near death car accident not too long ago. This is really starting to bug me!

Anyway to make the thoughts go away, because I'm really happy and not sad!




  1. Okay this might scare you, but tell your parents right away. I only say this because things may get out of hand if you let stuff like this linger and if they see that you are acting weird or reclusive, they can ask you if you are thinking about killing yourself. But remember that parents scare easily, so just say "I've been having some not so nice thoughts about myself, so if you can just keep an eye on me for awhile and if you notice I'm acting weird, talk to me."

    Thinking about suicide is something that should never cross your mind. Ever. You say that you're happy and fine, but if you let this slide, you might do it. Even though you started your period, your body and mind is going through some transitions right now. And something might happen and you might snap.

    Now don't be huddled into a corner thinking that you've turned into a basketcase, but just remember that this isn't normal thinking. Try to engage more in your favorite activity and write down your feelings. That might help. If these thoughts continue and get worse, go see a shrink or a social worker, one who deals with mental illnesses.

    Hope this helps and get better! *HUGS*

  2. This is very normal. You're a teenager. Teenagers go through these things. I was a happy girl too and had these thoughts. But I toughed it out. I knew it was my mind and not my heart. That is the key. It probably does have something to do with your period. The mood swings and all. Come to think of it, my depression started right after I started mine. I grew out of it eventually. It just took me longer than other people. A LOT longer...talking almost a year and a half here. But depression runs in my family, so I will never be rid of it...I have reasons to live. I know I'm here for a reason, for I've gone through more than what any child should have to. I won't let my life go to waste, and I don't think you should either.

    Please try to feel better. :D

  3. Maybe your mind is taking you to where you thought your parents were going, and in the back of your mind, you want to be sure to join them if something else happens. Don't worry though, these thoughts should go away.  When this thought comes into your mind, immediately get up and change your scenery.  If you are lying on the couch, go outside.  If you are in the kitchen go to the back yard.  Change your scenery and you will change your thoughts.  

  4. I think everyone goes through this phase, especially when you just had that incident with your parents! I think maybe you should talk to someone about it, a professional, just in case it does go into a darker place. If you think you are ok, then maybe it's just a temporary thought.

    I've been thinking about this since i was about 10 years old! Then as a teenager (16) it got really bad, but now its better... But it's not something i like creeping into my thoughts.

    I fill my my life with hobbies and occasionally create some kind of superficial drama to not think about the deeper issues, but thats not too healthy. You should really think about talking to someone though... :) Hope that helps!

  5. The accident probably got you thinking of life and death, and the start of a period affects your mind and hormones. I suggest you plan an event with your friends and go have all-out fun

  6. if this continues, i would suggest going to talk to your doctor about it. when your mind says these things to you, it could be a sign of an illness that needs medication. do you ever hear a voice in your head telling you to actually do something, or is it just asking questions? really, if it gets worse, you have to get it taken care of. ok?

  7. Being happy is different than thinking that you are happy. Adolf Hitler thought he was happy killing Jews. See site below on how you can be happy and thinking about how you can live longer.

  8. Your hormones are changing.  Starting your period changes a person and can cause deviation in your emotions.  I know when I was your age I would not have known how to talk to a therapist.  But, it is important to talk to someone.  It will make you feel better, even if it is a friend.  Here is a toll free number you can call.    

    Teen Education and Crisis Hotline. * Call: 1-800-367-7287 for Help *. Problems with Drugs Alcohol Suicidal Depression Loneliness.

  9. i think a lot of people go through this sort of thing, like... what is the meaning of life?  is it worth it?

    maybe your parents being in that accident triggered you wondering about it.  btw thank goodness they came out of that okay.

    i dunno, i think if you just really think it through you might find that you don't know the answer.  if you don't want to commit suicide then i tihnk you're ok.

    it could be just your period...?  because confusing emotions go along with that some time.

    now, if this thought is bugging you literally, ALL THE TIME and like.. it's distressing you and you can't think of anything else, or if you think of one thing, and then your mind automatically jumps to that, then that could be a sign of ocd or something.  but it's probably not that.

    to get rid of those thoughts you should like, do a puzzle or play a game to keep your mind busy... or like watch tv or something... read...

  10. thank God its not your inner "little voice"; which means that you're not suppose to answer your outer "big voice" yourself upon this question: "what if i'm committing suicide now? am i be happy as well?"  

  11. your trying to convince urself that your happy................................... DEEP down inside ur not.

    I used to b like that.......

    see a therapist and get to the bottom of it.

    it will work... honest

    good luck

  12. i had this issue too. i still do a bit but not as bad as before. i havent done anything about it, but lately its been a lot better. if mine progresses, i might seek help. IDK lmao, our brains are complicated.

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