
This time will you believe that Joe Jonas is...?

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0 LIKES UnLike I listen,i had a very very very big crush on joe jonas...i mean seriously i couldnt stop watching him on youtube...but one day i just tought that WHICH ONE OF THE GUYS IN MY SCHOOL WOULD WEAR CLOTHES LIKE THAT OR MAKE HIS HAIR LIKE THAT??????????...I mean....girls,come on...Joe jonas is a Tranny or g*y...He is not straight!!!just think for a second,which one of your relatives or guys at school wear pink and purple shirts and make themselves like monkey ***...he has big thighs like a girl,he has HIPS!!!!!!!I mean come on,dont go ''OMJ...I LOVE JOE,HE'S SO HOTTTTTTTT''...get a life...would you marry a boy who dressed like that in your school?trust me,you wouldnt....I did love him until 2 weeks ago,but that night my mom was talking about male celebs she sayed''...honey,most of them are Homesexual,like those whatever brothers that are so famous nowadays...he had done the *** sucking thing with another g*y guy...the picture is on the internet,search it and you'll find it.dont waist your life on that c**p...




  1. he is g*y

  2. Yes.its like you stole all of the ideas in my brain!Seriously this is what i had in mind!!!!OMG.

    I had a super huge crush on him back in april,same with you that i couldnt stop watching all of the youtube videos about him and i cant stop thinking about him 24/7.And im just super obsessed and then it was august 2,2008 3:45pm that i realize he's kinda g*y.Not because of the clothes he wears.I dont understand why people call a guy g*y if he's wearing pink?Why cant guys wear pink?Girls wear all colors but guys cant?.It's just kinda stupid.Anyways,the reason why i thought joe was g*y,because of his hairstlyes,before i thought it was kinda hot that he has long hair ..then he started changing his hair with bangs and curls and it looks g*y!!!!And joe would perform on stage,and he dances kinda weird...and yes he has hips and curves in his body and when he wears fit clothes,he looks like a female....sometimes if he's wearing a sunglass i would mistake him for a girl...SERIOUSLY!..Even my mom says so.she says 'stop crushing on joe jonas...he's g*y'.Thats what my mom tells me,and now i just realized that she is right,maybe i didnt notice it before because i was so inlove with him...!But now,I dont have a crush on him anymore.But im still a fan of the jonas brothers.I love their songs.<3

  3. lol. it looks like that Joe Jonas came from the 1980s.

    people would probably make fun of someone who

    dressed like that. i never seen someone around here

    in NJ dress like that. and aren't they from New Jersey?

    then i wonder where their bad sense of fashion came


    to one of the other answerers: ive never seen an emo

    dress like that! where did these JoBros come from?!

  4. I'm not a fan of joe nor the jonas brothers but i think he's g*y.

    Before, i didn't notice that he's like a g*y until he changed his hairstyle.

    You should choose burnin up for jonas' answer as a best answer.

  5. yeah totally..... i agree 100%

  6. its called having style.

    and not being afraid to be different love :)

  7. Don't waste you life on that?

    I seriously doubt anyone in Hollywood would go for someone so sad that they have so go on the internet and rant about how people might be g*y. So what if they are? Even if they weren't, they still wouldn't be interested in you. Their sexual orientation is none of your business.

  8. well we wear uniform at my school

  9. idon't like joe but i've looked at the jonas bros when they were younger and they dressed differntly most celebs only wear what the prducers say like girlicious for example

    in my opinion i like guys with style dooesnt mean theyre g*y i have a few friends who kinda dreess like them and ive known them for years a lot of times i thought they were g*y but theyre actually not anyways some g*y guys are HOT

    i don't think ur against joe i think ur just against homos anyways the pic was probably photshoped u can't believe evrything u hear/see

    btw u do realize u just dissed urself since u told ppl who loved them to get a life

    all i have to say is don't be hating

  10. okay i dress in the girl version of joe jonas andhe just dresses emo, he's totally NOT g*y. Emo's are cool, well the joe kind. Not the scary, self harming, make up wearing kind. And BTW none of them are g*y. Those are stupid rumours made up by haters.

  11. LMFAO! ur mom said 'honey, most of them are homosexual'

    hahahaha! u have a very smart mother! go buy her some chocolate or something

  12. you have a crush on a tranny HA!

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