
This video can change your point of view of god ,must watch?

by  |  earlier

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:WARNING:this video can and will change your view on god.

watch at your own risk

comment about what u think after u watch it




  1. This video has honestly done nothing but keep me strong in my faith in God.  It makes much more sense to me that He is in control than trying to say He is nonsense.  I what if there's no "proof" or "scientific evidence."  There's no "proof" of a lot of things we consider history.  I know what I know.  If you want to ask questions, feel free.  I am absolutely willing to talk about what I think.

  2. God has a reason for everything.

    He is doing all of this for a reason.

    Maybe he is trying to get people like us to help these poor children.

    So, go donate some money.

    I only watched the 1st part.

    I have no need to watch the rest.

    Not being mean.

    But, just saying.

  3. Well this video is nothing new. The paradoxes of divinity have been argued for centuries.

    The funny thing is

    Any Christian can simply argue: God is all powerful and I am mortal, therefor I am unable to comprehend these issues (like why do humans suffer?)

    I am agnostic, yay.

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