
This was really scary. Anyone know why this happened?

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I was in a deep sleep this morning and dreaming when all of a sudden I heard my name and woke up. It sounded like a little kids voice. At first I figured it was just in my dream, but then it happened again, and then again. By that time I was so scared I ran over to my parent's room (i'm 15). Everyone in the house was sound asleep, and there are no little kids. I was thinking that it might have been my radio which I have on all night that plays at a low volume, but this sounded loud and like it was coming from down the hall. It could have also been something outside because the windows were open. But it sounded clearly like my name. It only happened those times, and not when I was wide awake, so maybe it was just because I wasn't fully awake. Anyone have an explanation or had a similar experience? I'm really scared now.




  1. OMG!  Don't listen to a word that Inteleyes said.  That is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in my life!  Your spirit guide?

    As was said before, there are 1,000 explanations that don't require paranormal or spirit guides to explain this.  The fact that you are scared shows that you have a penchant for these paranormal explanations.  Please do some research on sleep paralysis and other things that can happen to a perfectly normal human brain when it is only partially awake.  Some people thing that there are people in their rooms pressing down on their chests and talking to them when they experience sleep paralysis.  It is completely understood by neurologists.

    Also look up information on Occam's Razor.  It basically says that the explanation that requires the fewest new assumptions (like spirit guides) is probably correct.  Sleep paralysis, kids in the house behind yours, a car driving by with a loud stereo are all possible explanations that do not require any paranormal assumptions.

  2. Sounds like perhaps your spirit guide, mine would call out my name out loud, and or whisper my whole first name, eventually I have met her, her name is Erica~

    It is a bit scary at first until you communicate some, and find out that they are gentle, compassionate and comforting.

  3. several reasonable possabillaties, most likely u heard in yiur head not 4 real.OR your still @ the stage in life us old people call "the age of inosence" which simply means u hear more cause you'r still open minded. don't sweat it.  

  4. Just a memory. Like remembering a song that won't leave your head.

    Moose as a side note. NEVER EVER fall asleep with the TV or Radio on because the government has been using them for years to brainwash the populace.

    Why do you think the government has so much trouble controlling the Amish or the Indians? The American housewife and white children are virtual slaves.

    My DVD player has blinked 12:00 for years..

    Use the internet and be very selective. If you must fall asleep to music used prerecorded media such as a binaural CD or something you have purchased, never anything over the open airwaves.  Good luck!

  5. Conventional--explanation

    Well the conventional explanation could be the fact that as soon as you wake according to mind sciences your brain is still in the "theta state",Theta waves can be seen during hypnagogic states such as trances, hypnosis, deep day dreams, lucid dreaming and light sleep and the preconscious state just upon waking, and just before falling asleep. It is connected with intuition and creativity. . In this state your thoughts are extremely clear and more powerful then usual in your fully awaken state. Each brainwave state represents a certain frequency range. The frequency of your brainwave determines the state of consciousness you’re in which will in turn lead to the resulting kind of emotions and mental functions that are at work within you. I wonder if any of you have noticed as your fall asleep images and sounds in your brain are more clear and concentrated then in the awake state.


    Maybe the voice you heard could be a childhood friend are relative you knew or don't remember. Are a kid who passed away in the area and roamed around you long enough to figure out your name. Now the first time it happened I would have gave the first explanation, but this has occurred "3 times" as you stated. I have had similar experiences but instead of a kid it was a shh......(Angel) calling my name in a whisper "hey Anthony" this occurred many times and stopped at 15.

  6. With your not being fully awake, it could actually have been anything. It's hard to say. See if you can get a recording of it with a cheap digital voice recorder or a microphone connected to a computer or something.

    It's tough to say without solid evidence to examine.

  7. Were you about to be late for something? like maybe your alarm didn't go off as it should have? That was my first guess, that someone wanted to wake you up. That happens to me a lot and I DO have a lot of spirits around me. I have one little boy, named George, who died when he was 8, who likes me and my family, so he stays around. He calls me "mom" because that's what my kids and my husband call me. They won't hurt you. They know your name because your spirit guides tell them and/or like me they hear people call you by it. Freaky yes, but no need to be frightened by it. Just try to remember that it can't and doesn't want to hurt you (if it was a bad spirit and wanted to hurt you or scare you, you'd know it, you'd feel attacked).

    peace and love to you

  8. this is certainly paranormal and i believe in weird and paranormal stuffs and they r so cool and frightening at the same time. i think it  could be paranormal. if u don't want to believe that it is paranormal then u could have imagined it, or it could be someone playing a prank on u or maybe u read some really scary book or watched a really scary movie and it triggered something in ur mind{which sometimes happens to me}.

  9. Yes,  I've had this happen, but for me it was spread out over time and it was my Dad's voice (who was at his house on the other side of town).  I believe it is our higher self or God, the same thing to me.  If you are a spiritual person and you've been seeking, then this is the beginning of your answer.  Usually the voice is someone we won't fear, in your case a child.  Remember the story of Samuel.  He was called and it sounded like Eli.  Read I Samuel 3.  For Samuel he heard God's voice three times before he realized it was God.  It was 3 times for me as well.  Was it three for you?

    Good Luck!

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