Well, this dream was really realistic. In the dream it was raining and I could feel the rain. I was on this cliff thing with a cave nearby. There's these "troll"-like guys walking around, and I get the feeling that they're "bad guys" or something. I see a girl who looks sad sitting on the edge of the cliff. I walk towards her, and hold out my hand. She looks at me, smiles a little, and hesitantly takes my hand. I smile back, and walk into the cave with her to get out of the rain. There's a mattress in the cave, and as we're walking up to it, a troll that was sitting on it gets up and leaves. We sit on it, still just holding hands and not saying anything, and that's it. Do you think this means anything at all? I think I had this dream a few times. Oh, and the cliff was like this only the wall was a lot flatter and there was a cliff thing in front of the cave. http://www.bibleplaces.com/images/Qumran_Cave_4_tb_n062500_wr.jpg