
This western calendar makes no sense. The new year is March 21 people!?

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This western calendar makes no sense. The new year is March 21 people!?




  1. It makes sense to use a date close to when the days start getting longer in the northern hemisphere where most of the people are at.

  2. Ok I looked it up and found that the calender he is refering to is some Persian calender that actually is approximately 620 years behind the Gregorian calender. You should realize that no human calender is going to be perfect. Both the pagan Celtic and Nordic calenders used thirteen months in a year but I am unsure of how many days they felt were in a year. Also in the Celtic calender the New Year was November 1st and in the Norse calender was Sometime in December. I am unsure of that date though I believe it had something to do with the Yule celebration. I think the main difference between the Gregorian and the Persian calenders is that the Gregorian focuses more on the earth's rotations and the Persian calender focuses more on the positon of the sun in the sky.

  3. Who cares. For the latest sports picks from Las Vegas that they dont want you to know about go to

  4. I guess that the people who decided that our new year should be on Jan 1st lived in the northern hemisphere and noticed that at about that date each year, the sun appeared to start moving northward again and that the minutes of  daylight  were slowly increasing....

  5. And why it makes no sense???... It has sense to me since is the one I understand how it functions... Meassure of time is a social arrengement, since all we support it (or know it), it works for us...

  6. So the Western (a.k.a. the Gregorian) calendar makes no sense. Fair enough. But compared to what other calender do you refer in order to make this statement? Which calender says March 21st is the new year? On what science is this other calender based? What is the name of this calender?

  7. Huh? :O

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