
This woman had her kids taken away for promoting her beliefs No prob with me how about you?

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However, I think it should extend to any symbol that promotes killing or maiming people or dehumanizing people. For instance, muslims tell their children that Jews are not human and are pigs. Why not take away children from parents that promote islam?




  1. Why not take the children of Islamic leaders who preach death to white people ? Not saying your right or wrong but if you do it for one lot you do it to the other.

  2. I think the lady is a moron and should not be allowed to breathe the same air as the rest of us, simply for being a racist n**i. However, I think taking her kids away was a bit too drastic. I don't know how Canadian speech laws are, but in the U.S. she had every right to do what she did without losing her kids. Do I think she's a good person? h**l no. But I don't think they should have taken her kids.

  3. I agree with you 100 per cent.

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