
This word exists in English???

by  |  earlier

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does this word exist antidisestablishmentarianism?? if so, what does it mean??

i'm a Spanish speaker and sb told me this word was in the Enlgish Dictionary... thanks beforehand =D




  1. Yes, it exist.

    It means "anti+disestablishment-arian-ism"


  3. Yes, it's in some dictionaries. Not all.

    "establishment" would be the actual word, along with two prefixes, "anti" and "dis" and three suffixes, "ment" , "arian" and "ism."

    I have never heard it outside of jokes about big words.

  4. O yeah, it's a real word, lol. It's even in a McDonald's commercial. I think it means that its a political position the doesn't agree with the separation of church and state.

  5. bet they were talking bad about the way the spanish language was trying to take the place of inglish huh?

  6. Yes

  7. Yes, it is English, and it means:

    opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, esp. the Anglican Church in 19th-century England.

    Go to this website:

    Good luck!

  8. Yes. It was a political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group ("church") and a government ("state"), esp. the belief held by those in 19th century England opposed to separating the Anglican church from the civil government (against the disestablishment of the Church of England).

    It is also a favorite word for future spelling bee champions to cut their teeth on at a young age.

  9. well

    anti - against

    dis - not

    establishmentarianism- establishmentarianism

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