
This world is evil? do you think so?

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This world is evil? do you think so?




  1. No.

    And people aren't born tainted in some way that they have to atone for.

    There isn't 1 and Only way back to Redemption (because you didn't do anything wrong by being born)

    There are no things you can do that deserve Eternal Punishment.

    And Elvis is dead.

    ... The "World" is difficult to live into because we don't understand it enough or understand each other enough.

  2. No. Something with no conscience can not be evil. That's called anthropormorphizing.

  3. Yeah. Earth is the world's evilest planet.

  4. Not entirely but there certainly exists a lot of evil.

  5. People do some evil things and those evil things don't out weigh the good things people do.  All in all, the world has evil in it but it is not all evil.

  6. i dont think the world is evil, because that would be saying that every single person is evil. although i do think that alot of people in the world are evil.  

  7. the world is evil? um no. the world in itself? the waters , the earth? no of course not.

    the people? the hardship? well now we're getting somewhere. but still up for debate.


    " evil" is hard to define. does it mean to you " bad things that are done out of sadistic pleasure" , or just " bad things that are done for whatever reason"

    if you take the second definition, then you can say taht there is a lot of evil in this world. but not that the inherently is inherently evil.

    evil happens by accident. peopel are self centered they dont think of others. they commit acts taht hrut others sometimes intentionaly, other times unintentinoally. evil exists. we know ti does. but is the world evil? NO

  8. Heaven is evilerererererer.

  9. Not on the finality of the point.... you see God created all things accordingly, that God have included the 'check and balance' of all things. Ecological Economics.

    It was humans who are in the image of God, who is evil that causes the world unto its brink of extinction. While the original design was practiced and implemented by all living things to keep all the species in order and working in order.

  10. Yes.

  11. No, Earth is not evil.  It's a planet.

  12. no, i dont believe anything is evil.

    evil is a strong word.

    i might not even think the devil is evil.

    u wanna knw y?

    cuz i believe everything was made by god, EVERYTHING, so how could god make something evil? wat good would that do? maybe some evil characteristics but not pure evil....

  13. yep....but thats ok cause the world is going to die soon from the people who dont care enugh to not pollute it.

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