
This year, 2007 france public holiday armistice day, Nov 11 fall on sunday. Will the banks close on monday?

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How about the rest of companies in France? Will they take monday off if the public holiday falls on sunday?




  1. In France, all the banks are closed on Monday. And most of the shops in small city

  2. Usually, in France, when a bank holiday is on a Sunday, Monday remains a regular working day.

    When it comes to banks, they are usually closed on Monday as they open on Saturday.

  3. they should to honor the holiday

  4. Unfortunately most of the banks in france close on monday whether if  it's a holiday or not :S

  5. My understanding is that in France, the holiday is normally commemorated on the exact day it occurs with no concept of a long weekend (like in the states).  So, if the holiday falls on a Thursday, most ppl get Thursday off and are right back at their desks on Fridays. To be safe, just ask the bank.  Or you can ask your French coworkers or friends.

  6. Most of the banks are closed on monday anyway.

  7. Holidays are celebrated on the day. Even Christmas, Mayday etc. If fall on a Sunday, tough, you don't get any extra time off.

    As a couple of people pointed out, some French banks are closed on Mondays. But it varies from bank to bank. Caisse d'Epargne is closed on Mondays but open on Saturdays. HSBC is open on Mondays and closed on Saturdays. Don't know about the others. In some cases, it varies from one branch to another.

  8. This depends, most of the banks in France are closed on Monday regardless, however in Paris about 50% are open. This fact would not change because of a holiday taking place the day before.

    I just checked the website for my bank in Paris, BNP Paris, one of the largest chains, and it is open on Monday, the 12th of November. It is located in 16th of Paris.

    Kind regards, Wendy

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