
This year I've been selected as Room Mom. Any suggestions on a Halloween Party for 18 kindergartner's?

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This year I've been selected as Room Mom. Any suggestions on a Halloween Party for 18 kindergartner's?




  1. What fun! You are going to have a blast!

    Buy those miniature pumpkins and let them draw faces on them with magic markers. Go to a pumpkin patch and pick out your own pumpkins. Color pictures of cats and pumpkins. Take Blow-Pops, cover them with tissue, wrap rubber bands around the neck, draw on a face-you have a ghost that can be taken apart and eaten!  Go apple-bobbing! Hang streamers all around the room from the ceiling, then hang grab bags from strings amongst the streamers so the kids can walk through the streamers to get a grab bag.  Have moms (or representatives) come in costume and let the kids go from car to car trick or treating from the trunks of the cars.  Do a Great Pumpkin theme and watch It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.  Just a few ideas-you can probably come up with lots more.

    Oh! The best idea yet! Get a box of old donated clothes, costume jewelry, Mardi Gras beads, hats, stuff like that and let the kids play dress up from it. Then have a corner set up with pumpkins and hay where they can go in their costume and sit to have their pics taken. Use a digital camera, then print the pics off right there on the classroom or a school computer, or use a polaroid so you can send the pics home. That'd be a lot of fun!

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