
This year is my 1st year in i gonna die?

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i was in a tiny school with 3 KIDS IN MY GRADE!!! now im going to a big highschool and i have to friends there... i am so scared...anyone with advice




  1. Dont worry! High School is going to be the best time of your life trust me. There's nothing to fear, except for all the guys that will probably attempt to hit on you but just ignore them guys are jerks.

  2. Ik watcha mean, i was in catholic school with 8 kids in 8th grade.

    I'm starting highschool this year and i am DEAD.SCARED! But ive heard alot of peopel say highschool is the best, and when you have more people you have more opportunities. Who knows, you can meet the greatest friend you've ever known!

    I'll wish you luck!

  3. Trust me you will be fine. Today was my first day in highschool and I had an interesting time. I met new people and I am prepared for the year. I had the same thought yesterday night. You will be fine, just be confident in yourself and enjoy your first year.

  4. BE CAREFUL HIGH SCHOOL IS SCARY! dont look at anyone and keep your head down, dont speak unless spoken to! HAVE FUN, HIGH SCHOOLS A BLAST!!!

  5. dieing isnt so bad....think about it, youll never have to eat again, and hey! no more long trips to the bathroom, and also...haha....high school isnt so bad, just look people in the eyes and say "i could be dead right now!"

  6. Nah! Don't worry about it!

    I'm going into year 9 this year and my first year at high school, i was shitting myself about it, with all the rumors about having your head flushed down the toilet etc. it's not true. Believe me. My high school is one of the roughest schools like ever, fireworks being set off in the corridors and we even have our own police officer xD. You'll just need to get used to the amount of homework. So don't be scared, you'll LOVE it. Seriously. I do (:

  7. man - high schools not that scary!

    its fun!

    so just be you

  8. Oh trust me you will LOVE highschool...xD I'm a junior in a 5A school, and big schools might seem intimidating at first, but they provide a much larger range of activities and people you can hang out with...I suggest joining at least one or two clubs--they're a great way to hang out with people with the same interests and the activities are pretty fun as well ^_^. Trust me, you'll do fine.

    Oh, but word of caution, don't procrastinate. xDDD I think a big thing that makes high school different from junior high is the amount of freedom you get there. For instance like in junior high you have homework that's due the next day, but in highschool you generally get like mini projects (especially in English lol) that are due in like 3 or 4 days...and if you get behind it's really really hard to catch up. =.=;; I should know, it happens to me all the time xDD

    Anyways, good luck!!! =PP

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