
Thiz is for young peop only no old peop 10-18?

by  |  earlier

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tell me ur opion on these questoin

1.) who do u want to see president of the USA

2.) since the encomy is bad rite now do u think other coutries would help the usa( if we were starving or aids were spedning )3.) do u think its rite for celebs to hav all of this money and peop starivin and peop on welfare in the USA




  1. I won't tell you my age, but I am younger than 18 and older than 10.

    1) Honestly, I don't think either of the candidates are my favorite. I don't watch debates enough to think about who I'd vote for.

    2) I don't think very many other countries would help us. We help a lot of them, but many countries have a very bad opinion of the US, so I don't think we'd get much support from them. We might from some European countries, I'm not sure that a whole lot of them hate us.

    3) Of course it's not fair! I don't think it's fair even if no one was starving. Just because you're talented you shouldn't be making that much. Some people whork MUCH MUCH harder and don't make even half of what most celebrities make in a year IN THEIR LIFETIME!! I honestly don't think it's fair, but that's just my opinion.

    All of my answers were purely my opinion. You don't have to agree, I'm not looking for people to agree with me.

  2. McCain

    we don't need help the economy will pick itself up and aids is not spreading

    and yes if you work you make money if you stay on welfare and don't work you don't make money that's how life is

    why don't you go too school and learn how to spell or at least use spellcheck

    and as for them celebs making so much yes they are doing you a service of entertaining you if they weren't worth so much they wouldn't be paid so much  

    and ich bin if your under 18 you cant vote

  3. I want Obama to become president.

    I dont think any other countries will help us

    i think its stupid for celebs to be makin 50 mil a movie yadada, or shaq making 100 mil a year

  4. 11!

    1.)Uhm..Mm...out of people who are running? Noone. :D Out of people who arnt running...THE BATMAN! :o

    2.) No, even though we help them, they would think we dont need any help. >:(

    3.) No-they should donate. But people dont try to get a job somtimes, because they know they can get welfare. So there is an argument to both sides. ;)

  5. im 17

    1) Bob Barr hopefully, but realistically not obama

    2) until the majority of the people in america are starving they wont send aid, and this will probably never happen because we still have a decent public education system and some the best universities in the world.  Also if your starving get a job, h**l the military will take anyone.

  6. 1-I'm not sure?

    2-I don't know because we're not that bad (right now) but if we were I think maybe a few would help if they could (or I like to think that way )

    3-No, I don't think it's good for them to have all the money they have. but then again if you think about it people with all the money invest in things and start businesses and give people jobs.

  7. I am 16

    1. McCain, he won't take all the hard earned money my father has made

    2. No, I am not an idealist

    3. Yes, they worked hard for it and had talent, people can get out of any situation if they work hard enough, people on welfare don't work hard enough, also the only reason they make so much is because there is a large lower class that buys their movies at Wall Mart when they go on sale and then complain about them making too much when they are the ones paying them

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