
Thnk ez cuute 2 type liek this?

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i noe lotza ppl dat talk liek this

it bugs the f*ck out of me. i would rather have a real conversation with real words, instead of having to spend five minutes trying to decipher one sentence. does anyone else feel this way?

or u liek talkin liek u r 2 stoopid to spell?




  1. LOL Being a teacher, it does bother me. It's even worse when I get work from students written very similarly to it as well!

    Unfortunately, we're getting a generation of kids who many can't spell due to reading and writing mostly on-line chatting.  

  2. No, it's not cute and it does irritates me as well. It's no wonder the English standard has evolved to this stage.

    I do wish people would start typing, talking and writing in correct grammatical English.


  3. yez, i hate it wen ppl talk liek dis. it annoyz meh so much.

    UGH! especially in games.  

  4. That writing sounds like lol cats, look it up if you've never seen it. The captions on the pictures of cats, it's not English, that's for sure. I want to be an English teacher, and so I think it's pretty hilarious (but annoying) when people are such horrible spellers. It almost takes more effort to type like that than to be coherent and articulate.

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