
(Thnx in advance!! Food involved..) I can't stop!! Why do I do this??

by  |  earlier

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im always eating!! half the time im not even hungry!! its like i cant stop.. its pis.sing me off cuz ive gained about 10-15 lbs. this summer!! GAH!!!! i HATE it!!

heres a theory tho: recently ive learned that i hav OCD and am somewat depressed.. cud that b linked to why im eating soooooo much?!? ive never ate like this b4 this summer!! im sad to say today ive ate too many popsicles than i shud hav.. (it hurts to say this!!) i ate 2 medium sized popsicles and 4 otter pops, u kno the small ones.. how do i stop?!?

its like i cant stop myself!! please help me!! how can i stop myself from eating so much?!? i like get up and find myself looking in the fridge for food, sometimes i think i get up subconciously!!

my mom recently lost 10-20 lbs. and im thinking about asking her to help me keep to the diet that helped her, shud i?? im kinda thinking i shud.. i really, really, REALLY want to loose weight, i kno all the health risks that come w/ obesity and i definitely dont want that!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

im begging!! only serious answers please!!

thnk u sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... much in advance, i truly appreciate it!!

♥ *sing*a*ling* ♥




  1. Depression could certainly be one of the main reasons that you are eating the way you are.  Often when people are depressed they will turn to food for solice and comfort - this is known as emotional eating.  Also, if they have you on medication for your OCD, the medication could be causing you to eat this way.  Instead of eating sweets like candy, cakes, cookies, popsicles, etc.  try keeping fruit and cleaned veggies handy in the fridge to grab instead.  The best of luck to you and best wishes in overcoming your problem.  If it really bothers you, you may want to think about talking to your doctor.


    I have suffered from depression and OCD for many years.

  2. It sounds like your metabolism needs a rev up.

    Don't get too hung upon dieting, try and manage your hunger with high protein low fat foods.

    Eat banana's and energy bars.

    I shouldn't advise it but caffeine is a stimulant which provides quick fix energy, and exercise may be come less of a chore.

    Get some advice from your local fitness centre for recommended healthy"comfort foods".

    Good luck.

  3. make a list every week of want you need to do to stay healthy. set a goal for a week. like not eatting to much junk food. also remember it is ok to have junk food sometimes but not all the time. start to go to your YMCA or Gym and workout,swim,ect. also if you eat chips or something like that put them in a small bowl and only eat want is in the bowl . best of luck it you need anymore help email me at  

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