
Thomas Paine question.. help plz!?

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Why does Thomas Paine stress that revolution will eventually occur? How does he substantiate this claim?




  1. Paine's acute understanding of Human Nature gave him the first clue ... then, you must remember that Paine and most of the others who first came here from the British Isles, were criminals ... who had been banished to a Penal Colony by King George ... Same with Canada, Austrailia, and New Zealand ... Sooner or later, men get sick and tired of being prisoners in their own back yard and having some Red-Coated prig treating them like smelly three-legged Dogs, and they realize that there are more of them, than there are Red-Coats ... and the spark of Revolution lights the way to taking the next step ..... In all fairness, a large number of those people labeled, "Criminals", were only guilty of thinking for themselves and disagreeing with King George ... which apparently was an easy position to find oneself in ...

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