
Those Surveys are n**i-like system, right?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know why the "mystery" people want to know everything about us...

"We will give you free money if you do our surveys" on websites.

Then I get phone calls, "You will win free tickets to Costa Rica if you do our Surveys."

So I participated doing surveys and they keep asking

"Are you between 16 to 25, or 26 to 56?

"Do you have diabetes?"

"Are you African American or White?"

Why do they wanna know all of these stuff about me?

Are they going to post all of my infomation in the website?

I'm scare of doing surveys...

I don't like USA... and I hate the Government.




  1. And then they put your name on a list that they sell to marketing companies trying to offer you free cruises etc.

    The only thing is that all the free cruises require you to pay money.

  2. It's marketing, what does any of that have to do with your views of the US? Maybe you should move to Afghanistan--there are no telephone surveys there...

  3. Then say no jeez. Are you slow in the head? Those things are voluntary.  

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