
Those in California...what do you think of the new Cell Phone Law while driving.?

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New Calitofnia Law prohibits anyone 18 years or older from using a cell phone while driving unless it's on a hands free device. 18 years or younger cant use a cell phone or a handsfree device at all when driving.




  1. there have been so many accidents because of cell phones...

    lets hope that it stops them.

  2. im not in cali but i like how they husband is in the military and you already cannot use a cell phone unless its hands free while driving on base..and my son isnt allowed to use his phone while driving because i do not believe kids know how to listen to the radio talk on the cell phone drive down the road..all at the same time..its called inexperience

  3. Distraction of any kind has an increased risk of resulting in a lethal accident while operating high speed machinery of any kind. When the mind, hands, brain, eyes and emotions are all disturbed the risk thus compounded is far worst.

  4. We'll just have to see what it does with the safety stats. It should be easy enough to see if it's effective!

  5. My own personal opinion is that it didn't go far enough. People using cell phones have caused more accidents than drunks.

    They pull out in front of you and go 5 miles an hour, they argue with someone on the phone and crash into you, they don't pay attention to anything. They cry and whine about losing their homes but buy expensive ipods,and pay high prices to be on line on a computer or hourly rates on a cell phone, with phone bills that would make the national debt look like peanuts. These people will loose very thing they have to talk or send email or text message. To bad live under a bridge and talk your head off.

  6. I think it is a good idea.  We also have it in New Jersey where I live.  I don't know why people need to talk on the phone when they are driving.  If a call is that important then pull over into a parking lot and talk on the phone.  Forget the hands free device.  Don't talk on the phone when you are driving period.  Driving is an important responsibility and should have your total concentration and attention.  Talking on the phone is a distraction.  People who talk on cell phones when driving cause a lot of accidents because they aren't paying attention.

  7. It's pretty stupid. If I read it correctly, I can't CALL unless I'm on a bluetooth.

    What if I'm texting? Isn't that worse?

    Why 18 years old? Is there a magic spell that instantly gives the 18 year old on his/her birthday the ability to do something that he/she couldn't do yesterday?

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