
Those knee bands that go right below your knee??

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ok so you know those knee bands that go right around your knee during volleyball to help your knee?? what are those called?? i really need one! thanks!




  1. they aren't knee braces or to keep your knee in not sure where anyone got that from? they are used to increase pressure on your tendons or something. it helps your strength in your calves i not totally sure

  2. omg i soooooooo know what you are talking about!!! its called a patella support strap. you can buy them at any good sports store and there only like $20...........hahahahaha i don't know any one else that uses one!!!........heres the link...

    ***hope i helped and good luck!!!

  3. its just a rubber band to hold your knee cap in place while ur playing. u can get them at scheels

  4. It takes pressure off of the patellar tendon. The patella tendon attaches the patella bone ("kneecap") to the tibia and the femur. There is suppossed to be a smooth up and down movement of the patella and unfortunately for some people the patella gets pulled out of its normal groove for all sorts of reasons.  

    Anyways, the strap helps to brace the lower part of the tendon and help to keep the patella and all its parts in a line. It basically takes pressure off of the knee.

    The person who said you can recreate the strap with some rolled up flex tape was correct. I played college volleyball and wore a strap but once the velcro wore out and before I could get a new one I'd use the flex tape method.

  5. they are called knee braces but the most popular brand is McDavid they really help your jumping

  6. seriously dont even go out and spend the money.

    all i do is take pre-wrap and wind it around my calf (close to my knee) like 4 times fairly tight. and then roll it from the bottom where it starts, up to my knee and adjust it so its right under my knee cap. it works amazingg, and is so much cheaper!

  7. i'm not sure what you mean... a knee brace?

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