
Those of you who complain the loudest about the price of gas - do you drive the speed limit?

by  |  earlier

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tow: many trucking companies are already making their drivers drive slower. It's a good thing. Driving slower decreases deaths on the highways, reduces fuel consumption, and reduces fuel emissions.




  1. so who cares if people complain if the gas is high..... and they speed. all it means is they pay more..... i laugh at the trucks and SUV's speeding by me.... usually to the red light not 300 yards ahead. I like it when they complain. Saves me the trouble. and I never drive the speed limit. and I get 25 in the city and 35 in the highway. it comes down to a choice of cars I guess.

  2. I drive the speed limit, but I see LOTS of people passing me, way over the speed limit.  I wonder where they are going in such a hurry to spend all that money on gas?  SUV drivers are the worst, naturally.  And they have a lot of reasons to complain about gas if they are driving SUV's and driving that speed.

  3. It's fortunate they raised the speed limits after their original reduction back in the 70's, due to fuel availability. Don't give them any ideas; people are already losing their businesses due to the costs of transportation, and if they lower the speed limits, they will be late to the jobs they have as well as paying for unnnecessary speeding tickets.

  4. I drive below the speed limit because I'm old. There has been talk about lowering the speed limit to 55 mph. It has already been tried and the law was repealed. The current speed limit is set by the states.

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