
Those of you with delayed or special needs did you potty train?

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My 3 year old was a preemie and does things at her own pace. She's taken an interest in the potty for quite some time now, but her speech is still a little delayed, so we don't know when she needs to go. She, too, will only sit on the toilet 2 - 3 times daily when she knows she'll get a sticker for her potty chart and 2 M&M's if she goes. How did you go about training your DELAYED child? How long did it take?




  1. lots of praise and pill ups . they need to know they can do it. Also try a liquid diet like lots water and cool stuff

  2. for my nephew who is 23 months and only functions at an 18 month level (speech is very delayed)  we use the sticker chart.

    we give him a sticker every time he uses the potty and if he gets 5 stickers that day he gets 2 cookies.

    What we do is we put him on the potty when he wakes up then after he eats his breakfast we take him in and we say "do you have to go potty?'' then we put him on the potty for 20 minutes and if he doesnt go we then get dressed and then we take him back to the potty and say "you need to go Potty now for (insert name)"

    We keep him their by reading a story to him. After he goes we  then only put him on the potty every 20-25 min. Say "potty" when u put them on  

  3. If her speech is delayed, and she can't tell you verbally that she needs to go, try teaching her signing.

    My son is 14, we had a heckuva time potty training, he was in school and still having accidents.

    I spent 5 years working at a daycare with children with Down Syndrome and Autism, some of them non-verbal. This was the method that yielded the best results.

    Try and stay calm, I know that's hard and frustrating, but she'll get there.

    PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE!!! And always be consistant with it.

    Here's a website that can help you with the potty training signs.

    Good luck and hang in there!

  4. Well, my son Manerd can't talk too well, so that's why he pooped in corners. So, we told him that when he has to go, spit in his baby monoter so I'll here him and my husband will take him to the potty!

  5. use ASL for daily needs. My son learned to sign potty really quick. if you make a fist, then stick your thumb between your index and middle finger (think about when you are playing "got your nose" with a toddler). shake your wrist a little bit to indicate urgency.

    another good one is "thirsty". you draw a line down your throat to indicate the water going down your throat.

    "full" is the back of your hand tapping your chin to indicate how full you are (think "I have had it up to HERE" :))

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