
Those recent MRT deaths --an aberration or did they decide to copy the first guy?

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Four train-vs.-human collisions in four weeks. Do you think they considered the tens of thousands of people they would inconvenience when they chose death by train? Perhaps have the last laugh or go out with a bang?




  1. There are better, more sure, less frightening ways to go.  I don't think people realize the impact they make (no pun intended) on the lives of so many, including the train crew.  It's over for the one committing suicide, but the train crew will see it every time they try to go to sleep for the rest of their lives.

    But, if you really want to see what it's like, log on to YouTube and search Banned from TV - Train accident.

  2. Usually it is a decision of the individual to commit suicide-by-train, because they know a train will definitely kill them, being it cannot stop in time. Yes, it does affect the operator/engineer and/or passengers and other onlookers. Here, in Chicago, there were five such suicides, using the CTA elevated/subway trains, which weigh 400 tons, per 8-car train! These suicides took place within 5 months.

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