
Those who can do and those who can't teach.???

by  |  earlier

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I have heard this quote or saying a lot recently and wondered where it came from? Wouldn't this be an insult to teachers, but I've heard it meant as a compliment and an insult. Your thoughts, please. And are you a teacher?




  1. I'm not sure where it came from, but I found it to be true in some instances in college, I remember specifically two courses where I had more experience and expertise in the field than my instructor and I was just 20 and 21 years old.  Though both of them had been in the field I felt that they had less experience than I did and got our of the career because they couldn't do it that well, so they got a teaching job.

  2. It's a smart way of saying nothing. It's a kind of tautolagy.

    There have to be some teachers who can teach.

    So!  Those teachers who can, do teach.

             Those teachers who can't teach, can't teach.

  3. It is the truth but teachers take it as in insult.

  4. I have heard this many times in my 34 years as a teacher.I do not know who said it but it is so far from the truth. I can do everything I teach mush better then anyone in my field. Think is was written by a loser. Teachers teach because they can do.

  5. It's supposed to be an insult. Like if you're not able to do anything in your field, you become a teacher and just pass it off to someone else.

    Pretty stupid I think.

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