
Those who eat suckling pigs, are they "child killers" ?

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Those people who eat suckling pigs (piglets) are they in actuality CHILD KILLERS????




  1. ew yes. and people who eat lamb and duckling and veal too. SICK, how can you eat a baby of any animal? it's a baby for pete's sake.

    scott that fkn nasty i'm sure you think you're all big and bad now but i think you're almost some kind of perv for being proud of that. YUCK. what a horrible thing to do.

  2. No they are not. They are "child killers" only to those who are not smart enough to know better.  

    I think the politically correct term for those who can't tell the difference between a piglet and a human child are "IQ challenged" or "intellectually challenged". They used to be called "idiots" (IQ of below 20) and "morons" (IQ level of 50-69) but you can't say that now.

    Definition of child:


    –noun, plural chil·dren.

    British Dialect Archaic. a female infant.

    : an unborn or recently born person

    2 a : a young person especially between infancy and youth b : a childlike or childish person

    3 : a son or daughter of human parents

    Nowhere does it say pig or animal young. Or is it beng suggested that we can also call those who eat a baby carrot , child killers? How about looking up the word "ridiculous"?

  3. I haven't had suckling pig for several months but I expect I will again some time in the future. It's pretty good.

  4. The word "child" is used to refer to humans, almost exclusively. For other animals, the words "offspring" and "young" are typical. So while yes, they are supporting the killing of young animals, I don't think "child killers" is appropriate terminology.  

  5. The two don't often go together

  6. every animal was somebodys child.

  7. Yes, pork is the other white meat!

    I have like 50 friends who have all given BIRTH TO PIGLETS as opposed to children  and we all know EVERYONE who eats meat they are all KILLERS~


    FYI............................... VEAL IS BEEF...............

  8. Yes, in exactly the same way as those who eat veal and lamb.

  9. Since when is a pig, no matter the age, a CHILD? A pig is a pig, an animal. Veal is young animal. NO. Goodness. Animals are animals. Not humans. Age does not matter.

    Suckling pig is delicious! As is veal. It's food, people.

  10. LOL, no, I think child refers to human offspring, not animals.  

  11. More like suckling pig killers.

  12. Yes,definitly....only an idiot can kill cute,small piglets...I hate these types of people...   :(  

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