
Those who tend to know a lot, know very little?

by Guest60447  |  earlier

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what does this quote mean




  1. Disagree, example, stephen hawking. albert Einstein.

  2. That statement is a contradiction-in-terms. Those who perhaps "talk" a lot may know very little, but those who actually KNOW a lot tend to err...know a lot.

  3. no knowledge really matters until we figure out why the human race is here, given apposable thumbs, language, and a better ability to problem-solve than most creatures. knowledge isn't important until you have something to do WiTH it.

  4. Book worms are only as smart as what they read?

    People who boast their knowledge are only limited to the subject matter they speak of?

  5. People who boast, or gloat, are usually over-compensating for not knowing things that they say they do.

  6. people that act smart, are not smart.

  7. Very true, for example.

    Someone who may be a great scientists may not be very good at life in general.

    I.e. may take it for granted.

  8. Two word can sum this up......My Husband..... you know I have to L.O.L at this cause I've often asked him,"if you know so much and your so d**n smart,so above everybody else,then why in the heck are we struggling to make ends meet"......the way I see it friend, I should be on easy street living it up with wads of cash flowing out my bazooka,do you feel me?    

  9. It means that the people who always want to show you that they know things (the first to answer), are the ones who are trying to prove they aren't as thick as they actually are.

    It also could have something to do with the idea that you either know a little bit about a lot of things, or a lot about a few things.

  10. i think it means the people who are smart don't know themselves very much. But the people that are not smart know a lot about themselves.

  11. There's a difference between "book" smart and "street" smart.  For example, my father in law is a brilliant surgeon, but he doesn't have the common sense that the good lord gave a door k**b.

  12. It's the difference between "book smarts" and wisdom.  Many who know lots of facts don't understand the bigger things in life.

  13. People who talk a big game usually have no game.

    If your mouth is open your brain is closed.

    Most really smart people are dumb in so many other ways.

    Like an absent-minded professor.

    Their brain is so full of trivial things that important things have no where to go.

    It could mean so many things.

    I think it's one of those quotes that means what you think it means at any given time.

    Do I know a lot or what?!  :)

  14. it means that your never as smart as you think u are.

  15. Example : some nerd knows math but doesn't know reading.

    or some people pretend to be smart but really aren't

  16. It means if someone tends to keep talking and talking and always has an answer for everything, they probably are just wanting attention and don't really know what they are talking about.

  17. people who say they know everything, usually dont know much at all.


    people who say they know everything, make themselves look bad by bragging. therefor they know little about how that makes them look

  18. wow.. that reminds me of my boyrfriend.. hes always comming out with cool and interesting facts about random things like he knows everything but realy when it comes to decision making he seems to have no common sense at all..  

  19. i always though it meant someone with books smarts but lil common can learn alot, but what do you really know?

  20. I've never heard that quote.....are you sure that's it?  It doesn't make sense so I see why you're confused.

  21. To understand everythink, we need to know nuthink, and to know nuthink, is to truly understand everythink - Guru Sigi

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