
Those with older children?

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What has been your favorite age so far? My 4 boys are 13, 13 (twins), 11 and 8.

There are things I have enjoyed about each age and it seems like each stage they go through I end up saying is my favorite. Right now the stage they are in now is my favorite.

The nice thing about them being older is they become more independant and it's fun to watch them grow into their own selves. I can introduce more fun things to them now that they are older, for example I recently took them kayaking and we had so much fun. I could never have done that when they were little. So I have to say the pre-teen/teen age is my favorite right now because I feel like I can do so much more with them and we can have such meaningful conversations. While it's nice to have more mommy freedom when they are older, I do tend to miss the ages where they just wanted to hang out with me rather than do their own thing.

Of course when they were toddlers, that was my fav. stage, and when they were preschoolers that was, etc... LOL

does that happen with you or is there a past stage that really stands out as your favorite still?




  1. My son is 11 and while I enjoy even moment of his life my favorite stage still is newborn.. just to watch him grow into a beautiful person and all the curiosity they have.  

  2. Yes,I completely agree. every stage becomes my new favorite.  

    Right now my kids are kind of stretched out in the ages and I am enjoying each stage.  

    My older ones (15,13) are fun to watch with the opposite s*x...all blushing and shy.  It's cute.  I also love to watch them play sports and so the things they like to do.

    My 8 year old is fun because he had the middle child thing so bad.  He has learned to be funny to get attention (poor kid!) and he is the sweetest little boy ever.  i love to hug him.

    My two little ones (ages 5 and 4) are fun because they have each other and it's fun to watch them play together.

    Over all I would have to say that my absolute favorite age is two.  I love the things a two year old comes up with.  I love their little budding individuality. Ii love the words they are trying to learn.

    As a mom I have enjoyed it all, but age two is my all time favorite.

  3. my one and only child (son) is 23 now and married, I loved watching him grow up and had so much fun. Please enjoy them while you can cause time really passes by quickly.

  4. My son is 10 and the things I love about this age are:

    We have such a laugh, he can be sooo funny at times and it's hilarious

    He teaches me loads of things that I don't know  lol

    The way he shakes his head at me as if to say 'omg my mum's a nutter' but I can really tell that he secretly thinks I'm a cool mum ;)

    That he's at an age where I can actually have a proper conversation with him

    How he sometimes surprises me and says something really nice or just comes over and gives me a cuddle because he loves me

    And, loads more

    Things I dislike about this age

    The fact that he hardly has any time for me anymore, far too interested in playing Xbox, Wii, computer lol

    I sometimes miss the earlier years when we would always hang out together and play or just watch TV or go to the park.  He'll still do these things sometimes but it's as if I need to persuade him to come and do it because he's always busy doing his own thing.  And, I miss not being able to just lift him up and cuddle him whenever I want or sit on my knee (he just squashes me now lol).  

  5. Yes, "right now" was always my favorite age too, until they left home to go to college.  Looking back, I think the teen years were the best, for the same reasons you mentioned.  I'm finding that as they get older, they've come back to wanting to hang out with me again.  It's different - more equal, more grown up - but I love just sitting and talking about their college experiences, their plans for their future, and their new friends.  Maybe they're just doing it so I keep paying their tuition (LOL), but I'll take it anyway.  

    Enjoy every stage, and talk to them when they run through the kitchen on their way out!

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