
Though question, should I purchase a Mac Book or a Sony Bravia LCD Tv first? Ty.?

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Though question, should I purchase a Mac Book or a Sony Bravia LCD Tv first? Ty.?




  1. I'm going to have to completely disagree with the other person's answer. Mac's are so much better than PCs, even if we are in a PC dominated world Mac is now rising up with its amount of users. It also has its own programs and PCs are so virus prone. Plus, if you buy a recent Mac it has Leopard on it, which can run both Mac and PC programs. To answer your question, I'm assuming you already have a tv, go with the mac :-)

  2. What ever you do don't buy the Mac.  Don't believe the TV commercial.  We are in a PC dominated world, most of the software and hardware support PC.   Any hardware and software for the Mac is expensive because of the limited market.  Find a computer geek you trust and they can help you pick out a laptop.  Not just any computer geek, because a lot of people claim they know computers when all they can do is surf the internet.

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