
Though smart,my son has a behavior problem and attends a behavior school. Is their a boot camp for sixth gr?

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The biggest problem is my son being with his mother her house hold is not as stuctured as my house. I think he needs one enviroment and one plan to ignight future.




  1. I think a behavioral specialist would work well in helping the parents of this child co-parent him in a manner that is not so confusing to the boy.  Structure is important, but it is also important for the child to be able to be a child and have fun.

    Boot camp is not for children who are not doing exactly what you want.  Before chastising him, maybe you are going to need to look at your expectations and honestly evaluate whether they are realistic for this particular child.  

    Work with his mother and together come up with a plan that you can both implement and are willing to enforce.  But FIRST look at yourself and see if there are too many unrealistic expectations.

  2. I went to a residential treatment centre when I was younger that is jsut like bootcamp. It would be a really bad idea to do that to you son most likly. These places may seem ok at my RTC i was not allowed to cry stafff ate our food sometimes, at any time  they can stick your kids with needles adn we didnt even have names at my RTC we had numbers

  3. The first thing that you should find out is why is his behavior out of control????  Yes a lot of people with high I Q's have behavior problems but that usually because they have an undiagnosed learning disability.  You don't say if your son was evaluated for learning disabilities.  IF he wasn't than request an evaluation and see that he sees a nueropsychologist. Some one who specializes in testing for LD's.  A lot of kids act out out of frustration and anger because they can't learn the way that others do. I know this for a fact because everyone in my family who has a Learning disability has an IQ of 120 or above.  You should have him evaluated by a competent nureo-psychologist of psychiartist.

    They will be able to tell you what else might be going on and the one other thing that you don't say is what have you and your ex done to make the break up between you easier for him to deal with.  You're talking about punitive action with out finding out what the real problem is.  That will cause even more problems in the long run.  You have to find out the real reason that he's acting out.  Don't  make the mistake of assuming that you know, because if you're wrong he might act out in even more dangerous ways.

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