
Thought energy is contagious powerful and ruthlessly attractive like a magnet

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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He who's thoughts are golden will soon attract the gold
Its very difficult to make a super high quality of life financially without having a super high quality of thought mentally. Your standard of living is in direct proportion to your standard of thinking. It's no coincidence broke people think poor and rich people think wealthy thoughts.
Even when I was dirt poor my thoughts were always focused on where I wanted to go and my work ethic was always dragging me closer to my goals. I didn't pay attention to my circumstances as most people do, I rid myself of my circumstantial excuses, and hustled toward my objectives.
Now that I'm in a different position in life not much has changed on the thinking front. Accept learning to think bigger, more personal ambitions, more fire in my heart to give back and contribute. The mind is the beginning point of all great work. So forget about where you are what you don't have what you cannot afford that other people have, the lifestyle your living and just focus on where you want to go, what you want to be do and have and get to hustling.
If you can think it, you are already half way there. You want a better life start thinking you have one.
Count blessings be grateful and above all never stop thinking positive. Thought energy is contagious all powerful and ruthlessly attractive like a magnet. He who's thoughts are golden will soon attract the gold!

‪#‎theartofdreamchasing‬ ‪#‎focus‬ ‪#‎thinkinaction‬ ‪#‎gettohustling‬ ‪#‎highqualitythoughts‬
Anthony Aires Gomes Says: Well I'm grateful for everyone of your inspirations they help me and i'm sure many others keep the dream alive.
Galo A. Vargas Says: Well said, as always, Com. Using that way of thinking, I finally reached a great milestone in my young entreprenurial life, and more To come. Cheers!

 Tags: attractive, contagious, energy, magnet, powerful, ruthlessly


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